Thank you for your reply. Let me describe our situation in detail. Each of our office areas has an independent DNS server. Assume that there are...
Hello everyone, I have an ispconfig central server. Manage DNS for different cities. The DNS domain name is the same, but the resolved IP is...
excuse me Is there anyone else following up
The following video shows my operation process 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1jg74zcES_X884BjvCcGwrA?pwd=dki5 提取码: dki5
Thank you for your reply, According to the documents 2#and 6 #, the output results have always been as follows. I don't know where I did the wrong...
Debug It seems to be all right
I checked the database of ispconfig, dns_ The rr table stores all DNS records and creates the same zone. Is it related to duplicate data? If so,...
1、Thank you for your reply. As a test, I randomly wrote a domain name. This DNS is used on the internal network, and these two servers are...
Thank you for your reply. I sent a video demonstration. I already have a zone for baidu.com on ispbj03.example.com. I created the same zone for...
MASTER zone this
root@ispconfig:/home/jumpserver_user# /usr/local/ispconfig/server/server.sh 23.05.2023-12:17 - DEBUG [plugins.inc:155] - Calling function...
I currently have 2 DNS servers located in different cities, and I need to create the same domain name. The first server already has a domain name,...
Separate names with a comma.