Hi all, I have a Perfect Spamsnake based on Ubuntu 8.04 running for years without any problems. Now I want to blacklist some addresses for...
All settings checked, rebooted, same result
Set Debug=True, but no trace :confused: Disable JS does not change behaviour
I try to mark a message as spam using SA learn. If I check the Spam option and submit I get Error connecting to server. check network! Which log...
I appear to be running Django 1.2.3-1ubu. I'll apply the fix mentioned. Thanks
On to the next problem :( I have added a domain and try to test the connection. The system says that the smtp server I added doesnt accept mail...
Your suggestions helped; I can now add Domains :) Thanks again!
No change, IE gives same results
manage.py syncdb gives No fixtures found. Relogin and changing account type changes nothing. To make it even better; no matter what kind account...
Yes, everything according your howto, and this is the 3rd admin account. If I edit the user its account type is Doman Admin, yet the main page...
There must be something wrong because if I set the admin user as Domain Admin the Account Type remains Administrator. Also, the additional tabs do...
Next issue: Setup Instructions for Baruwa I've added an admin user, but in contrary to what the manual says, I dont get two new tabs. I can...
uWSGI Error wsgi application not found solved by adding pythonpath = /usr/share/pyshared/baruwa/ to baruwa.ini as suggested by Rocky in...
Page 3, step Set up Cron jobs At the end of this section mailscanner has to be started and browsing to http://hostname_used should result in a...
Separate names with a comma.