Hello till. Please help us on this. https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/permission-problem-var-www-clients-clientx-webx-web.76642/
Hello till, I would really appreciate if you can guide on how to perform this clean up since I have to clean several accounts and the server is running out of space. (https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/clean-up-several-mailboxes-but-keep-directories-untouch.76575/). Centos 6.3 ISPConfig Courier-Imap Thanks in advance. Kind regards,
Will you integrate this into ISPConfig or could you send me quotation on debugging and integrating them into my own ISPConfig 3.1.2 system? https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/redundant-dns-with-linode-api-plugin.57366/
Please contact the ISPConfig business support if you need someone to install the addon on your system by remote login. http://www.ispconfig.org/get-support/?type=ispconfig
I have issue in my postfix server. can you please help me on this delays=2634/0.01/150/0, dsn=4.4.1, status=deferred (connect to []:25: Connection timed out) May 4 05:51:27 hq postfix/smtp[4639]: connect to GOOGLEMAIL[]:25: Connection timed out May 4 05:51:27 hq postfix/smtp[4638]: connect to google.[]:25: Connection timed out
It might be that your ISP is blocking outgoing connections on port 25 or in other words, your ISP or hosting provider does not allow direct mail sending from that IP. You might have to use a relay server in that case.
I've been a user of your website for many years now. I think you're awesome and doing a great job! I really respect and love you for it. I appreciate you for all the hard work & dedication you've put into this site and community. If only I was wealthy, I would send money.. If only I could make cookies, I would send you some. Kudos to you good sir and I wish for good things for you in life. Grtz from the Netherlands
Hi till, How can I get php version, mysql version and apache version of server using remote api. If not possible from remote api how can I get these values from shell command or any other methods(like database query)?
hello! as I can see russian translation for ispconfig is not good enough. I'll be glad to help you with it
It would be nice if you could help us to improve the translation. This can be either done by submitting a merge request to git or use the language edit and export functions in ISPConfig.
sorry till i cannot find the way to post in the ISPConfig forum because the minimun requirements: post, likes, ratio and days. How can I post asking for help? Thanks
Most likely your post contained URL's. New users are not permitted to post URL's or links until they reached a certain level of good posts.
Good Afternoon Till, We ha a big problem for more of 3 days, and I can find what is the problems, we create a new server, buy the tool for transfer but continue with the same problem on the new server. we delete and create 2 more servers and split the load, but continue the same problem. the problem: the server not receive email for hr's but only on regular hr's of office. I can find what user
When the new server after a migration has the same problem than the original server then the problem is either outside of the server or it is part of the migrated configuration. If you want someone to diagnose the problem directly on your server, then please contact Florian from Business support here: http://www.ispconfig.org/get-support/?type=ispconfig
hello Till, i configured LDAP server it working fine but i want "account locked " status when some one make 3 wrong attempted where i can get this? means in any log files?
Hi when i put my website active ,,, it give error : Syntax error on line 75 of /etc/httpd/conf/sites-enabled/100-* .vhost: RewriteCond: bad flag delimiters and the line 75 is : RewriteCond %{REQUEST_URI} !^/\.well-known/acme-challenge/ RewriteRule ^(.*)$ :*$1 [R=301,NE,L] the i comment line 75 and its work fine ! ,,,, but if i deactivate the website, problem will appear again ,,, so any help ?
The manual can be downloaded from this page: https://www.howtoforge.com/download-the-ispconfig-3-manual
the subscription was Including download the manual, actually downloading is still to be paid, it is not for the 5 euro but to understand. thank you
Hi till, i have some problem with my linux, however when i ping my gateway it tells host unreachable. i try to netstat -nr, the output is u 0 0 0 eth0, then i try to /sbin/route add -net gw eth0, but nothing change...
Hi till, Could you send an answer here? :) https://www.howtoforge.com/community/threads/sending-e-mail-not-working-lost-connection-after-connect-from-localhost.67649/ Thank you!
Hi till, please, could you help me? Is very important, I have several active web and I can not access ssh, I do not access by web ... I am desperate.
Till sorry if I write to you here but I have a very simple question about ISPConfig: if I install it on a single server and I start to add users and so on, can I add other server to it in later or not?
Hi, I've purchased the ISP manual yesterday and thought that it will allow me to post in ISPConfig 3 Priority Support. Unfortunately, it doesn't. Can you help me? I can show you the receipt for the same e-mail I've signed up in here.
Hello till, I need help my problem is mailman, when open /cgi/mailman/admin show me error 500. Open ispconfig and create mailing list open de link and show error 500, deapche review logs and shows me no error. Any idea
Please contact Florian from ISPConfig Business support if you need help by remote login: http://www.ispconfig.org/get-support/?type=ispconfig