Default fields for ISP-Web --> Co-Domains:/domain_abh? help,

Discussion in 'Tips/Tricks/Mods' started by garymaurizi, Jan 4, 2008.

  1. garymaurizi

    garymaurizi New Member

    can anyone provide me with the default fields from form designer for ISP-Web --> Co-Domains:/domain_abh , accidently edited them and fudged it.

    PS: how can i have new sites generate certain co-domains automatically? it looks like this is the right place to edit, for example, how ispconfig automatically adds a blank co-domain record?
    Last edited: Jan 4, 2008
  2. garymaurizi

    garymaurizi New Member

    by the way, the fields im looking for look something like:
  3. garymaurizi

    garymaurizi New Member

    Please, somebody! help!

    Come on guys! this is real simple, somebody please...

    Click management, Click form designer/edit form, under co-domains/domain_abh click edit,

    Give me the text in the textbox titled Fields:


    Iv'e had to add co-domains manually for an extended time because I fudged one of the fields, if it doesnt get fixxed soon im just going to have more co-domains to remove and re-add when it does.
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The best way to restore the co-domain record is:

    1) Mkae a backup af your current ispconfig database, especially of the doctype table.
    2) have a look at the doctype table and delete the row were doctype_id = 1015
    3) Download the ispconfig installer tar.gz file from sourceforge, it must be the same version of ispconfig as the one that you have installed, unpack it and have a look at the file install_ispconfig/db_ispconfig.sql with an editor. It contains the complete sql dump of a freshly installed database. Search for the row of the doctype table with doctype_id 1015 and execute this one sql command in your ispconfig database.

    Have a look at the file /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/classes/ispconfig_isp_web.lib.php

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