I've been toying with the thought of building a server to act as a media server. Something that my friends and I can share movies/music/games. Secure login, easy data transfer. And I thought of maybe building an FTP server. This is a new venture for me, so I'm not sure where to start, what products to look at. I would like to build from scratch. Any guides, directions, tips........anything would be helpful. Thanks a bunch!!!! DingirXul "The Humble Improve......."
Thanks Leszek, Like I said any little bit helps, the more information that I can get on this that and the other then the better I would feel sifting through it all and making a better decision. DingirXul
These tutorials might help you: FTP Server: http://www.howtoforge.com/debian_etch_virtual_hosting_pureftpd_mysql_quota FLV Streaming Server: http://www.howtoforge.com/video_streaming_lighttpd_flowplayer