Hi all, First of all sorry for my bad english. (im from holland) I have installed my centos 5.0 server with help from the perfect setup from howtoforge (centos 5.0 32bits perfect setup) Everything is installed successfully. I installed ISPconfig. Proftpd works just fine. But now the problem I have. When I connect remotely to my server (passive) I get the following information from my gftp client: 227 Entering Passive Mode (192,168,123,198,117,58). It just simply hangs after that. After 300 seconds I get a timeout because my server don't respond. When I connect true active mode everything works well. I have a sitecom DC-202 router. Port 21 and 20 are forwarded to my server. I hope some one can help me out with this. Im having this problem for a long time. Regards, Roy from holland ^^
Because passive mode is standard enabled in most ftp clients. I have several "dumb" users so I dont want to explain it all over again every time you see.
Never mind, I fixed it be myself. Found something called DMZ Host in my router... I had to give up my local server's ip adress, and it works just fine now. Thanks anyway!