Fedora 8 server HOWTO

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by treble, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. treble

    treble New Member

    I want to follow the Perfect Server Setup for Fedora 8, have the following question:

    I do not have a registered Domain Name will the setup be any different, for exemple when naming the server, the HOWTO uses "server1.exemple.com".

    For the moment I just want to use it as test server, but would like to set it up as close as possible to to what it would be having an actual registered DN.

    This naming issue is confusing me and I do not know how to proceed.

    thank you for any help,
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If it's a test server, you can use server1.example.com. Make sure server1.example.com is listed in /etc/hosts.

    As an alternative, you could get a hostname from dyndns.org.
  3. treble

    treble New Member



    thank you for the answer on the naming question. I do have a dyndns hostname setup on a firewall, should the server also have a dyndns hostname?

    In the tutorial it is suggested installing lynx, wont firefox be sufficient, or should
    I disable the graphical interface and run the server in text mode.

    One more question if I may, to install Ispconfig where on the system do I install it ?

    thanks again

    treble :cool:
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    It's no must.

    I don't recommend running a desktop on a server. It'S a security risk and causes additional load.

    You can't choose the location. The frontend gets installed in /home/admispconfig, the backend in /root/ispconfig. But the installer does all this for you. :)
  5. treble

    treble New Member

    Fixing errors on my installation!

    Hello and good morning,

    I am thinking of redoing my installation from scratch! I had F8 originally installed with the desktop software and even though I have now uninstalled that part I think that there may still be left a lot of staff that just confuses me when I look around the system.

    Also I may have made some mistakes with the configuring of the Mysql, I wont go into details mostly because I did not take notes of the errors, and would have to try a few things to regenerate the error codes.

    Q: Is there a way to backtrack and fix problems without actually reinstalling? C:cool: lean up the previous configuration, passwords, etc. and reconfigure ?

    I have also installed ISPconfig, after a couple of failed attempts, it installed and ended with a message that the system was now available to use without rebooting, all well till now but when I try to access it with lynx or another browser from another computer it tells it is unable to connect to foreign host. I am following the instructions on the ISPConfig website, to connect I enter http://server1.exemple.com:81 and tryed https as well.

    Accessing the Apache server works, I do not know where to look for the problem with the ISPConfig.

    This post does not have any very specific questions, I am sort of reporting on the progress so far.

    Thanks for the help on the previous, very silly Qs, for lack of a better word.

    If you have the time to say something about what I say in this post, reinstalling, fixing errors, etc, I look forward to reading it.

    Thanks again.
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You can check the logs in /var/log to find out about errors.

    Did you replace server1.example.com with your actual hostname or IP address? What's the output of
    netstat -tap
  7. treble

    treble New Member

    netstat -tap


    here is the output of: netstat -tap

    and below are the last few lines of the ISPconfig installation output.

  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    ISPConfig isn't running.

    What's the output of
    df -h

    Does your MySQL root password have any special characters?
  9. treble

    treble New Member

    ispconfig not running?

    hi falko,

    ISPConfig not running? Yes, and I may know what the problem is:

    I encrypted the key. In the installation howto is sugested to say no to the encrypting question, or the server wont start without human interaction.

    Can you tell me how to start it anyway? and how to generate a new key?

    There are no special characters in the Mysql passwrd, but when I set it up something made me think that perhaps I did not do it right, I entered the password in front of the command instead of waiting to be prompted for it. Might that be the problem?

    df -h

    [root@server1 ~]# df -h
    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    145G 1.8G 143G 2% /
    /dev/sda1 190M 19M 162M 11% /boot
    tmpfs 474M 0 474M 0% /dev/shm

    thank you

  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  11. treble

    treble New Member

    good morning falko,

    I was too tired last night to post!

    I logged in to mysql, success, and then did: show databases and show DBispconfig and just got a prompt, I am new to using mysql so am not sure that it means that there are no databases or that they are empty.

    Doing "/etc/init.d/ispconfig_server start" returns: no such file or directory.

    I had already looked around /etc for the ispconfig script but did not find anything.

    Note: in the first atempt to install ISPConfig I got a message saying : "the php module coming with ISPConfig does not work well on your system", nevertheless on the second instalation the result output was as I posted earlier: "Otherwise your system is now available without reboot"

    thank you

    Last edited: Jan 27, 2008
  12. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Seems as if ISPConfig is not installed. Can you post the outputs of
    df -h
    ls -la /root/ispconfig
    ls -la /home/admispconfig
  13. treble

    treble New Member

    I got here finally

    I am getting paranoid, I disconnected from the internet to turn on the server,
    and run the commands you requested and then forgot I was disconnected!!

    Jesus Christ!


    falko, here are the results from running those commands, the first one, of course I already had posted previously and it should be exactly the same.
    Thank you again.

  14. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    That looks ok.
    What's the output of
    ls -l /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server
    I guess if the database is empty you'll have to do a new ISPConfig install. To do this, you must first delete the /root/ispconfig and /home/admispconfig directories as well as the empty ISPConfig database.
  15. treble

    treble New Member


    below is the output of ls -l /etc/init.d/ispconfig_server.
    I also read some more on howto use mysql and found that there is no ispconfig database.
    And have rm /root/ispconfig and /home/admispconfig.
    So I guess this means I can go ahead and reinstall ISPConfig. I will probably do that tomorow evening. I can't wait to see it installed and runing. But I will post the results as soon as I do.


  16. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes, that's right.
  17. treble

    treble New Member

    did not yet install


    I did not go through with the installation, I played with it but before I pressed the button, ./setup, I stoped for two reasons:

    I first want to troubleshoot a possible hardware problem, and second there is the following

    this happened when I first set up mysql, and I have not been able to fix it, any sugestions?
  18. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the output of
    hostname -f
    , and what's in
  19. treble

    treble New Member

    Is it ok like that?
  20. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

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