Fedora 8 server HOWTO

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by treble, Jan 13, 2008.

  1. treble

    treble New Member

    I cannot find a file called HOSTNAME, if there is one, like I have seen in another Linux that I use, how do I set the hostname=server1.exemple.com

    I am sure I had done that before and getnameinfo did not fail, the only explanation I can come up with is that it was before I removed the graphical.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you try the link I posted?
  3. treble

    treble New Member

    I did, did I miss anything, this are the very bizarre results,

    and this is /etc/my.cnf

    Now I must say something, and perhaps apollogize, but only today occured to me that it might make a huge diference, I am using the live i686 fedora wich I already had. when I read your tutorial I did not pay attention to that part because I already had the CD here. It was, though, bugging me that I could not find the option to install in server mode, so this morning I went back to the first page of your tutorial and realised the diference. I am going to redo the installation with the i386 DVD, even if it does not make any diference wich I doubt. So I will be off for a couple of days redoing everything and then will be back just to say that is all installed and runing!!
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    UPDATE user SET Host = 'server1.exemple.com' WHERE Host = 'localhost.localdomain';
  5. treble

    treble New Member



    as promised I would report on reinstallation of ISPConfig.

    Well, it installed and is running. I changed to i386 Fedora DVD, instead of the i686 live CD. Wheather because of that, or not, I do not know!

    This is still a learning experience for me, and I will be working with it untill I understand how to use it, and other aspects of running a server.

    Thank you for your pacience answering all my questions, for the great tutorial and for the opportunity to use ISPConfig. I have also found in other posts many good sources of information.

    continue the good work,


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