ISP Config, config?

Discussion in 'General' started by the_mog, Feb 6, 2008.

  1. the_mog

    the_mog New Member

    Hi Guys,

    First a massive thank you to Falko and Till Your tutorials / Isp config is fantastic

    Ok Let me explain what i have / need to try and accomplish....

    I have installed (using Falkos tut centos server 5.1) Centos the Perfect server

    I have also installed ISP Config.

    I am running this on my local network

    server a)
    server b)

    Firstly using ISP Config how can i set up a account to create a Db on Server b
    I also need to load some PHP scripts on server a

    Server a's Scripts will use server b's DB

    Confusing i know.

    Please bear in mind i do not have static ip's that an be viewed from out of my LAN, I need to do a simulation in my office enviroment before we upload to the proper servers.
    My Proper servers will have a identical install as my test server.

    My question is, should i create a client / reseller-client

    also how would i access the ftp area / webpages from my local LAN?

    Thanks again

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    With the current ISPConfig 2.2.x versions, you will only be able to manage one server. So ISPConfig on server A is currently not able to create database on server B.

    If server B is only a database server, then this should not be a big problem. I recommend that you install phpmyadmin on server B and then create the databases in phpmyadmin and not ISPConfig.

    If you have ispconfig installed on both servers, you will have to create a website on server B, even if its just a dummy domain, and then create the databases on the options tab of this website. In the database creation form in ISPConfig, there is a checkbox to allow external access to this database from server A.
  3. the_mog

    the_mog New Member

    Thanks for that I understand it completly

    Could you please explain how i can set up a account that uses only a IP Address, which i can view on my local LAN ?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You mean an IP-based vhost? That'S not possible, ISPPConfig creates only name-based vhosts.

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