ok hunted high and low and i'm stuck on getting the permissions right. i'm mounting a samba share housed on buffalo nas. i keep getting these permissions on all the directories, even down a level for the share level: drwxr-xr-x 1 root root 0 2008-02-15 08:17 postgres and here is the fstab line: //hs-dhtgl9dc/share /mnt/smb-mnt-01/ smbfs defaults,rw,umask=0000 0 0 experimented with all sorts of options and still can't get to w's for the other 2 slots that are dashes above. and the result is that through pgadmin i can't create a new table space. i keep getting an error saying it can't set permissions on /mnt/smb-mnt-01/postgres. can you help? should i being mounting nas in fstab? (yes i have ntfs-3g installed; and best i can tell the share is set up as read/write in the buffalo set up screens).
buffalo tech support indicated the permissions in their samba setup don't always propagate correctly so i am going a different route. may just build out a storage server custom.
I'm having a similiar problem, i am trying to mount an smbfs from an NTFS harddrive on a seperate pc so that all users in the group can have rw on it. The /etc/fstab has: Code: //opserv/E /mnt/opserve smbfs users,noauto,umask=0022 but only root has rw rights. I tried : Code: chmod g+w /mnt/opserve but result was: