Hi Guys i've got a slight problem with my webalizer if i go to www.mydomain.co.za/stats on webiste number one and try to authenitacate with my created user it works fine but somehow if i try the same process on website 2, 3. 4, etc it doesn't want to authenticate my users that are being created on each domain so in conclusion webalizer is only workin with one site and i have many more sites and i need to be able to get stats for them please can you help me thanks in advance
Please run: /root/ispconfig/php/php -q /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php do you get any errors that do not start with words like "Truncated line"?
Hi Till, I have got the same problem, and I receive many line with "Truncated line" What can I do? What's the source of the error? Thank's Zsolt
I'm making the error symptome more expicit: I've commented out the following entries in the /ispconfig/script/shell/webalizer.conf DNSCache dns_cache.db ==> #DNSCache dns_cache.db DNSChildren 5 ==> #DNSChildren 5 Since then most site's statistics were done. But still there are some where it is not upgraded, only occasionally for some days. /dev/sda2 65G 18G 44G 29% / tmpfs 1,3G 0 1,3G 0% /lib/init/rw udev 10M 52K 10M 1% /dev tmpfs 1,3G 0 1,3G 0% /dev/shm The first stop happened after a memory expansion and kernel upgrade. (since then I upgraded ISPConfig) Then it was running for 4 days (1-5 January) and for 3 days (1-3 February) Now if I run the following: /root/ispconfig/php/php -q /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.php I got many truncated line and the above lines: I leave out the wrong record (49693) I leave out the wrong record (56556) and it goes through 72 lines /.. record (... ignored) in ... second/ If I run manually for the missing site webalizer -n domain name -s domain name -r domain name -q -T -o /path/web/stats -c /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.conf /path/log/web.log it is done successfully The missing part of january was not done with the correct path (.../log/2008/01/web.log) 5562 records were ignored in 0,04 seconds. I don't know the exact number of sites where statistics are not created. As not all sites are set, is it possible to find it in ISPConfig database? Why do not work with DNSCache option in the config file? Zsolt
*** Report for group quotas on device /dev/sda2 Block grace time: 7days; Inode grace time: 7days Block limits File limits Group used soft hard grace used soft hard grace admispconfig -- 265212 0 0 13364 0 0 web96 -- 311716 1024000 1025024 150 0 0 web105 -- 7732 102400 103424 552 0 0 Certainly the output contain many lines, but the above two site's statistics not upgraded. Zsolt
Looks ok. Are you sure that the web sites have been visited in the meantime? Because the statistics are updated only when the site in question has been visited. If there's nothing new in the access log, then the statistics don't get updated.
Hi, Yes, the site is visited! As I've written above, If I run manually for the missing site webalizer -n domain name -s domain name -r domain name -q -T -o /path/web/stats -c /root/ispconfig/scripts/shell/webalizer.conf /path/log/web.log it is done successfully