Ubuntu/ISPConfig/Postfix/Mailman Installation Issues

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by kisong, Feb 28, 2008.

  1. kisong

    kisong New Member

    I recently installed the following:

    As far as I know, Ubuntu, Apache, ISPConfig, and Postfix are running ok. I verified this by:
    - ssh'ing into the ubuntu server
    - logging into the ISPConfig pages on the server using a browser
    - sending/receiving email through the Postfix server

    I believe I installed mailman properly using this guide:

    However, when I try to log into my installation of mailman using a browser:
    http://www.myhostname.com/cgi-bin/mailman/admin, there is a 404 error.

    The only error message I see that may be relevant is:
    NameVirtualHost myipaddress has no VirtualHosts mailman

    What should I do?
  2. kisong

    kisong New Member

    Interesting observation:

    - If I go into my ISPConfig setup via https://myhostname:81, I log in fine
    - If I log into SSH via myhostname, it works fine
    - When I try to log into my mailman install, via http://myhostname.com/cgi-bin/mailman/admin, there is a 404 error. HOWEVER, if I log into my mailman install, via http://ipaddress/cgi-bin/mailman/admin/, I can get to it fine. However, when I click on a link to add a new list, for example, the link is to the FQDN version of the url. It does not work. If I just change the domain name to the ip address, any page within mailman works.

    It's weird because I would expect ALL references to myhostname.com to not work, if there was an issue with DNS. However, it looks like it's only when I'm trying to access the mailman install.

    Any ideas?
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you create a web site with ISPConfig and install Mailman in that web site?
  4. kisong

    kisong New Member

    I did create a web site with ISPConfig.
    One thing that may be confusing the server is this:

    The server is on IP (example)
    The FQDN of the server is www.mydomain.com (example)

    I am only going to host 1 site on this server.
    Therefore, I want the site to be: and www.mydomain.com

    There are a couple other things that are interesting.

    1. The SSL certificate seems to be configured wrong. I say this because when I type into a browser https://www.mydomain.com:81, the browser asks if I am sure I want to accept this certificate because it may be incorrect. When I look into the details of the certificate, it says the certificate is for:
    www2.mydomain.com, not www.mydomain.com

    2. When I type in the ipaddress of the server/site into a browser, a welcome page is displayed, but it says that it is a shared IP.

    What am I missing?
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You must type in https://www.mydomain.com, not https://www.mydomain.com:81.

    What's in Vhosts_ispconfig.conf, and what's the output of

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