First off: Nice work guys. Great product! The ubuntu how-to was very straight forward. Up and running in short order. I would like to set up default Outbox, Sent Items and Draft directories. We will be using either Thunderbird or Evolution and maybe down the road a web interface such as squirrel mail. We will only be using IMAP. Thanks John
You can either have your users create those folders with their email client, or you create those folders with ISPConfig when you create a new user. For the latter, you'd have to modify the function user_insert() in /root/ispconfig/scripts/lib/config.lib.php. In line 654 you could insert something like this: PHP: exec("maildirmake ".$web_path."/user/".$user_username."/Maildir &> /dev/null"); exec("maildirmake -f Drafts ".$web_path."/user/".$user_username."/Maildir &> /dev/null"); That would for example create a Drafts directory within Maildir.
Great, then repeat the second command for each additional directory. Sure glad I asked. I didn't think this would have been handled through ispconfig. Thanks, John
maildirmake not working Hello, I changed the file as follows but it still doesnt create /cur /tmp and /new, thus the customers get an error when they create a user and try to check the account working. exec("chown -R ".$user_username.":web".$web_doc_id." ".$web_path."/user/".$user_username." &> /dev/null"); exec("chmod -R 775 $web_path/user/$user_username"); exec("chmod 755 $web_path/user/$user_username"); exec("maildirmake ".$web_path."/user/".$user_username."/Maildir &> /dev/null"); exec("maildirmake -f cur ".$web_path."/user/".$user_username."/Maildir &> /dev/null"); exec("maildirmake -f new ".$web_path."/user/".$user_username."/Maildir &> /dev/null"); exec("maildirmake -f tmp ".$web_path."/user/".$user_username."/Maildir &> /dev/null");