We are receiving thousands of mails having unknown recipients in our domain which all paralyzed our mail system. Please see the mails stucked up in queue: -Queue ID- --Size-- ----Arrival Time---- -Sender/Recipient------- 561251991FE0* 2865 Sun Mar 9 09:17:15 MAILER-DAEMON cb-0caraway@holtecnet.com DFDB61991287* 3126 Sun Mar 9 09:19:23 MAILER-DAEMON Philip-0eniarom@holtecnet.com 75FB31991349* 2893 Sun Mar 9 09:19:08 MAILER-DAEMON 0jarring@holtecnet.com D164819912BF* 4101 Sun Mar 9 09:19:12 MAILER-DAEMON _0gubdeb@holtecnet.com 26B521991480* 4055 Sun Mar 9 09:19:14 MAILER-DAEMON 0ecilam1985@holtecnet.com 478F51991254* 3632 Sun Mar 9 09:19:18 MAILER-DAEMON Chuck-0potse@holtecnet.com A26F219912B2* 2944 Sun Mar 9 09:19:26 MAILER-DAEMON JHON-0sanoj@holtecnet.com D413519912E6* 3040 Sun Mar 9 09:19:32 MAILER-DAEMON lechat-0repus@holtecnet.com CFE871991495* 3409 Sun Mar 9 09:19:37 MAILER-DAEMON _0esnes@holtecnet.com D8C0019914BD* 3472 Sun Mar 9 09:19:43 MAILER-DAEMON _0rotceps@holtecnet.com 1CFE61991FF0* 2940 Sun Mar 9 09:19:09 MAILER-DAEMON _0kolkhoz@holtecnet.com How can I delete all these junk mails at a single command as per your suggestion? I don't have the e-mail of sender of these mails. www.holtecnet.com is our domain. We are using zimbra 3.1.1 on Fedora 5. Any help regarding this will be highly appreciated. Sandip K Sadhukhan
That will delete necessary mails also. Is there anyway I can delete mails only from "MAILER-DAEMON" ? Sandip
I have this script for this situations Code: #!/bin/bash mailq | tail -n +2 | grep -v '^ *(' | awk 'BEGIN { RS = "" } # $7=sender, $8=recipient1, $9=recipient2 { if ($7 == "MAILER-DAEMON" ) print $1 } ' | tr -d '*!' | postsuper -d -
Thanks, Your full script is not visible. Can you please post the full code or send me at sandiphw@hotmail.com? Sandip
Yes that's true, but you can also: postsuper -r *QUEUE ID* (for releasing one) postsuper -r ALL (for releasing ALL) postsuper -d *QUEUE ID* (for deleting one) postsuper -d ALL (for deleting ALL)