set up gateway in linux SME server

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by campbellc, Mar 21, 2008.

  1. campbellc

    campbellc New Member

    set up gateway in linux SME server URGENT HELP NEEDED.

    Hi guys.

    I recently installed a linux SME server and configured it as server and gateway. I put in all the neccesary settings and attached my adsl to the one lan card and the rest of the computers to the other lan card. i changed my windows pc's default gateway and dns to the servers ip i.e. but when i look for a page it shows connection not made or something to that effect. any help on sorting this. And also is it possible for me to view which users view witch websites and how much each user downloads. And i heard it was possible to set a cap on each user but this was done using slackware. i have SME server v7.2. also is it possible to add more administrators?

    Thanx your help will be greatly appreciated,
    Last edited: Mar 21, 2008
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Can you try
    on your Windows PCs? Maybe it's just a DNS problem.
  3. campbellc

    campbellc New Member

    i sorted the gatewat out. it seems that it was a harware fault. any way is it possible to add more administrators to sme server

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