repositories on dvd

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by LaBud, Mar 31, 2008.

  1. LaBud

    LaBud New Member

    new to linux [xubuntu 7.10]
    new to how to forge forum
    great site from what I have seen so far.

    I was particularly interested in the how to about putting repositories on DVD, as I have my Xubuntu loaded on a machine that rarely sees the internet.
    I have a couple of questions.

    1] I am wondering if there is a way to download these repositories thru a WinXP machine [Currently, it is the one connected to the internet most of the time.]

    Can anyone tell me how to completely uninstall [or maybe there is a how to available] wine and the programs I am using wine for. I have screwed it up and would like to start fresh, but am a little unsure what files [programs I am using wine for] I can safely delete.

    thank you
  2. sjau

    sjau Local Meanie Moderator

    (1) use AptonCD to make repositories on the CD and for downloading the stuff.... hmmm... no clue... if you have enough diskspace on your disk you can make a mirror and by syncing you'll download it all (for ubuntu check here: )

    (2) removing wine

    (2a) removing wine first:
    apt-get purge wine
    (2b) removing the wine folder in your home
    cd /home/user
    rm -Rf .wine
    (2c) manually delete entries made to the menu

    that's how I would do it...
  3. LaBud

    LaBud New Member

    sjau thanks for response

    I will try the wine deletion [#2]

    as for an answer to my 1st question:
    AptonCD looks good, but, as I stated I want to download these repositories thru a WinXP machine, as it is the one mostly connected to the internet.

    It will be great once I get both machines on linux, but until then I need to get my downloads thru a windows machine.

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