I am getting ready to install Ubuntu server on a spare PC. I am very new to Linux, but really want to learn about it. I am a Windows Network Administrator and am familiar with most networking/server issues as they exist in the Windows world. I would like to know how the following items compare to the Windows world: Does Ubuntu have any sort of built-in software firewall (like the basic Windows firewall). Is the ability to Telnet into a server included automatically with a basic server install? Is the ability to make TAR or ZIP files included with a basic server install? Is it possible to make a TAR file and then transmit it via Telnet (for back-up purposes?) Right now I am running eyeOS (www.eyeos.org) on my Windows XP Pro box with IIS and PHP 5.x installed. I would like to set up an Ubuntu server on my LAN. I would like for this Ubuntu server to only include the most basic parts of Linux, though. I don't need SSH, FTP, X, etc... Just command line stuff. Can it be done? I am asking if I can do the TAR items via Telnet because I would prefer to just Telnet into the box and copy the files over to another machine for backup purposes. I figured I'd just install Apache, SSL, PHP and some sort of firewall.
Yes, it's called iptables. It's very difficult to manage iptables from the command line. I don't know if Ubuntu has a command line wizard for this, but if you install Gnome you can do it from there. Yes. Yes. Yes. However, I strongly recommend to use SSH for it. It's encrypted and therefore much more secure than telnet. Yes. But believe me: you need SSH! You can transfer files using SSH. You casn use WinSCP for it: http://winscp.net/eng/index.php There'S also a command line client for Windows (also uses SSH): PuTTY: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ You might want ot have a look at this Ubuntu server tutorial: http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect_setup_ubuntu_5.10
Thank you for responding so quickly! I actually read that tutorial and it led me here. So iptables is the built in firewall. Is it installed by default? and just difficult to manage from the command line. The main reason I was thinking of not installing SSH was because all of my other machines are Windows <ducks> and I'd like to be able to just use their CMD prompt to get into this box (and not have to install an SSH client on them).
It's possible that Ubuntu has an easy-to-understand iptales configuration file or even a command line configuration tool, but I don't know for sure. You might have to google a bit, or you install ISPConfig which brings its own iptables firewall which is easy to configure from a browser... PuTTY is just an executable file, you put it onto your Windows box, click on it, and it's running. No installation needed!
Another question: does a basic Unbuntu server install include and CD writing capabilities? Maybe I could just burn my files to CD for back-up instead of using Telnet... I would prefer to run only Telnet or SSH, not both. Is it possible to remove Telnet if I install SSH?
I dont think that CD writing is available in a basic install. It is recommended that you remove telnet and use SSH instaed.
Don't remove it. telnet is part of most basic Linux installations, so it's fine if it's there, but you should use SSH wnever it's possible.
Forget my last post. I was thinking of the telnet program, not the telnet daemon. Do you see telnet when you run Code: netstat -tap ? If not, then everyting's fine.
Hi falko, I do not see Telnet when I run that code... so that is good. Does that mean that the telnet daemon is not "installed", or just disabled? Sorry my questions are so basic. I am trying to learn as much as I can.
The command is named "zip". Maybe you had to install it with apt. If i remember correctly the package is named zip too. apt-get install zip
I don't know the zip syntax to zip files, but Code: man zip or Code: zip --help will help you (if zip is already installed). I can tell you the command to create a tar.gz file from a directory, if you're interested: Code: tar -pczf <name.tar.gz> /path/to/directory