Systems unable to restart after installing ISPConfig

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by ste, Apr 21, 2008.

  1. ste

    ste New Member

    did tutorial on centos5.1. all ok great clarity and straightfwd.
    afterthat did the ispconfig install.
    all ok, up to login ispconfig & changed pwd & checked IPlist for eth0:0
    root...# /home/...spamassion
    line does nothing, cursor just continues to blink. Ctrl+C, closed terminal, reopen terminal and retried, still d same. did nothing else except Logout of ISPConfig (was in https://xxxx:81),

    reboot the system
    and only get a blue screen and a mouse.
    not user login screen presented..

    I had configured step 7&8 with encryption and I think the sys was waiting for a passphrase under the blue screen.
    Any info on how to get-in to enter the passphrase or how to undo steps 7&8.
    Also what's with the spamassasin ?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Thats perfect, it means that everything is working correctly.

    Press [ctrl] + F1 to switch to the first console and entre the password that you used to encrypt the SSL certificate.

    After you wre able to login, you will have to recreate the ssl certificate:
  3. ste

    ste New Member

    At BlueScreen (BS), after CTRL+F1, consiolr appeared.
    last line of console shows "enable /etc/fstab swap ok" and does nothing else forever.
    No see ispconfig login,nor system User login.

    Also tried Interactive mode and answer Y 1by1. Blue screen appeared EVEN after N to ISPconfig. Also tried not responding to ISPconfig [y/n] the console disappears and a BS appreared instead of the usual system login.

    HOWEVER, by chance, at ISPconfig[y/n], did several CTRL+C in desperation and User Login appeared. Was able to get in as root. Tried https://xxx:81 returns server not found. Was able to surf though. I guess some services near the ISPconfig, towards the end of starting up froze. How to proceed to diag ? what files needed and where to find ?

    using 1 box 1 eth nic on ADSL @home with dynamic Public IP from ISP provider. With/without ISPConfig, already have Apache/Cemtos page at localhost. Will ISPConfig manage the IP change automatically. Intent to use free external DNS provider such as everydns or editdns, can ISPConfig manage this arrangement? do I remove BIND? Maybe should start another thread, but I need to know in principle if I will hit a wall after going thru this BS bump, so I can abadon this project and try another, maybe Virtualmin
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Recreate the SSL certificates as I posted above.
  5. ste

    ste New Member

    It worked. thanks for precise instruction.:D :)

    By the way, any advise on my second concern: repeated below for your conveinience:
    using 1 box 1 eth nic on ADSL @home with dynamic Public IP from ISP provider. With/without ISPConfig, already have Apache/Cemtos page at localhost. Will ISPConfig manage the IP change automatically. Intent to use free external DNS provider such as everydns or editdns, can ISPConfig manage this arrangement? do I remove BIND? Maybe should start another thread, but I need to know in principle if I will hit a wall after going thru this BS bump, so I can abadon this project and try another, maybe Virtualmin
  6. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Is your server behind a router?
    If you're using external DNS servers for your domains, then you don't need ISPConfig's DNS Manager.
  7. ste

    ste New Member

    Yes, my CentOS box is behind a router.
    My domain registra needs 2 DNS/IP addresses.
    I have only 1 ADSL connection with dynamic IP address.
    Hence, I thought to deviate and go with external DNS providers.
    However, had followed your CentOS Perfect LAMP and ISPConfig tutorials.
    Will the setup work ?.

    1. If not is there another Howto?
    2. If no howtos at the moment, do I just simply remove CentOS bind-chroot from Desktop>Application>Add/Remove Software>servers>DNS name server ?
    3. Once bind is removed, do I need to patch conf files for apache,postfix etc..?
    4. Once I fixed up the ext DNS records A,MX etc, do I still enter DNS IP into ISPConfig?

    5. by the way, why my system failed to start properly with SSL certification and only worked after deactivating. Have U guys figured that one out yet ?

    appreciate till's and your help
  8. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    1) Why do you want another howto, the setup is fine for this. You just have to use a provider like dyndns if you have no fixed IP.
    2) No, dont doi that.
    3) Di not remove bind.
    4) Use a external DNS provider like dyndns and do not configure the domains in the ISPConfig DNS manager.
    5) You answered your question already yourself ;)
  9. aqua

    aqua New Member

    I've had a good experience with using EveryDNS They are a free DNS manager and they let you mange up to 20 domains if i remember right.

    Register with them, and point your namservers for your domain registrar to,,, and

    Then configure your domains from the EveryDNS panel (eg A-records, NS, and MX for your mail).

    Finally install their client so that your nameserver always point to your current IP.

    No need to use ISPconfigs DNS manager in this case.

  10. ste

    ste New Member

    Many thanks for your valuable guidance (Falko, Till & Aqua)
    OK, have not started to configure DNS in ISPConfig, Managememt>Server.setting>.dns. Dont intent to.
    1. had registered a domain "" with local registra.
    2. given registra & for registra to point to.
    3. set up ns1 with AXFR and ns2 as backup.. Populated A & MX records.
    4. dig any got appropriate answers. Same for mail.
    5. http://localhost returns the ISPConsig default index.html
    6. https://localhost:81 returns the ISPConfig login page.
    7. Router/Gateway Public/Internet IP is still unchanged (although it is Dhcp from ISP) have not got script to work on Auto dyn IP update yet.
    8. Router/Gateway port forwarding for Web/SMTP/FTP/HTTPS enabled for Centos LAMP server with IP w.x.y.z. (although dhcp, the same IP is allocated/fixed. Server network eth0 is dhcp.
    9. Problem is browser status shows connecting to for a long time without showing the expected html.
    10. rpm -q chroot returns bind-chroot-9.3.3-10.el5
    11. /var/named/chroot/var/named has the standard named.root (13 root NS) and a named.local (with localhost entry only).

    Please advise whats I am missing ?
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Have you tried this from within your LAN, or also from the outside? Some routers don't support loopbacks, that's why it might not work from within your LAN.

    You can use this web site: to check your DNS settings.
  12. ste

    ste New Member

    1. was doing it from the CentOS root behind the router. Will try from external and will know soon. I placed a test index.html file at /var/www/html, Will I be able to hit this page from WAN?

    2. Did the DNS test, report attached. seems good. Only 1 red, i.e. no MX record. 2 yellows, something about a third nameserver not included in parent server and a 86400 Refresh time NOK. Whats your expert take on this report.

    3. Notice that Postfix reports failure to shutdonw every time I rebooted it, any concerns, is it because I have not created any mail accounts?

    Loosing a little steam already (a tired smiley with 2 sweat drops here would be quite appropriate) and to thinl that I have not add client/site and play with ISPConfig yet... more unchartered waters to navigate and push on.


    Attached Files:

  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Should work. You should also ask your ISP if they block port 80.

    Your name servers are and, so you should use in the SOA, not!
    Use a value of 604800 for Expire.

    That'S normal on Fedora/RHEL/CentOS systems and nothing to worry about.
  14. ste

    ste New Member

    From an external browser, was hitting the /var/www/sharedip/index.html
    instead of the /var/www/html/index.html. Will check with my router supplier.
    Thanks, didnt realised it was reachable externally.:eek: :D

    Auf Wiedersehen for this thread/
  15. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in Vhosts_ispconfig.conf, and what's the output of
  16. ste

    ste New Member

    /etc/httpd/conf/vhost/vhost_ispconfig.conf attached.
    Q1. Added & dedelete some clients earlier and discovered the docroot "web13" is incremental, even when all clients were deleted n bin cleared, shouldn't it be reset?.

    Output of [.....]# ifconfig attached.
    Q2. is Virbr0 with IP, added by ISPConfig ? I did not set this.

    /etchosts also attached

    Appreciate the help to discovering Linux/CentOS n ISPConfig

    Attached Files:

  17. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Does point to
    Did you disable SELinux?
    Are there any warnings in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/ispconfig.log?
  18. ste

    ste New Member

    Yes, contents of /etc/hosts: localhost.localdomain localhost s1 mail
    ::1 localhost6.localdomain6 localhost6
    yes, since begining of CentOS setup.
    Yes, some errors and warnings. see file attached

    By the way, If i change the static IP of of my server in hosts, will ISPConfig automatically change all siteto the new one.


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 29, 2008
  19. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I don't see in there, only that's a difference. Anyway, you can check if it's pointing to the right IP address by running
    No, you'd have to add the new IP under Management > Server > Settings and then change the IP address of all web sites.

    Can you run
    maildirmake /var/www/web13/user/web13_BBB/Maildir
    on the command line? What's the output?
  20. ste

    ste New Member

    Followed the Install tutorial, and added with private IP to /etc/hosts. Should I add with the same IP? now very :confused:

    Output of dig
    [root@s1 ~]# dig
    ; <<>> DiG 9.3.3rc2 <<>>
    ;; global options:  printcmd
    ;; Got answer:
    ;; ->>HEADER<<- opcode: QUERY, status: NOERROR, id: 3549
    ;; flags: qr rd ra; QUERY: 1, ANSWER: 1, AUTHORITY: 0, ADDITIONAL: 0
    ;            IN      A
    ;; ANSWER SECTION:     167     IN      A
    ;; Query time: 37 msec
    ;; SERVER:
    ;; WHEN: Thu May  1 02:15:05 2008
    ;; MSG SIZE  rcvd: 52
    [root@s1 ~]#
    Output of maildirmake /var....
    bash: maildirmake: command not found
    Anyway /var/www/web13/user/web13_BBB/maildir exists and there are several folders and files in it. same for /var.../web13_AAA/maildir

    Thanks for the change IP tip.

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