Capabilites of bind DNS

Discussion in 'General' started by networkguru00, Nov 10, 2005.

  1. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff


    I don't host copies of the same web sites on these servers. Each server hosts totally different web sites for totally different customers.
    Only the DNS records are synchronized between the master and the slave.
  2. Amedee

    Amedee New Member

    Sorry to come back on this... Just want to make it 100% clear to myself.

    As far as I understand, there is no way I can manage 2 name servers from the same control panel in one clic: the master will be managed locally, and I will have to either
    - have an ISPConfig instance on my secondary DNS server where I will enter the zone as slave
    - maintain the secondary manually

  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    There is another approach that you can use with ISPConfig. If you replicate the bind config files from your primary nameserver to your secondary nameserver with e.g. rsync or you can use NFS to share the confoig files from your primary nameserver with your secondary nameserver.
  4. Amedee

    Amedee New Member

    Yes, that's what I meant with 'manual' -- If your 2 DNS are serving the same domains It turns out to be much more easy to have a master/master config by copying/sharing the files than having a master/slave setup!
  5. t.roijers

    t.roijers Member

    Another dns question


    I have two ispconfig servers running. Both working just fine.
    I have created all of the dns records on ns1 and in dns manager i added 2 ip adresses for ns1 and ns2. Is it possible to automatically replicate all dns record from ns1 to ns2? or do i have to manually create slave records on ns2?

  6. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You have to create a slave record on ns2 manually, but the data is then replicated automatically.
  7. Bebop17

    Bebop17 New Member

    DNS with Centos, ISPConfig and a hosting domain

    OK, I think I have thought about this too much, and confused myself. :eek: I hope you can help me think my way out of this problem.

    Here is my scenario: I am setting up an unmanaged remote server for hosting several of my own domains as well as a some clients'. I have set it up by (gratefully) following the Centos 5.1 Perfect Server and ISPConfig tutorials here at

    I have gone through the various DNS tutorials here. My situation is kind of halfway between what is described above, and what is described here:

    - I want to use my own hosting domain for both ns1 and ns2, as above, but I want to host my own DNS as in the scenario
    - Not so important but just noting - my host and my registrar are not one and the same - my host accepts reverse dns listings and (obviously) registrar takes the glue records
    - I have two (newly registered) domain names - and - I would like to use for only nameservice (ns1 and ns2 for now), and for www, mail, ftp. So ideally, clients (and I) would only deal with .com except when listing nameservers with registrars.

    I have the usual two IPs: let's call them &

    So to be perfectly clear, what I want to do is to run my own nameservers on my Perfect Centos ISPConfig Server with chrooted BIND, like so: - -
    and have them resolve,, which will have web, ftp, smtp, pop etc.
    (That is a short term plan - as soon as this is all sorted out I plan to get a second server in a different physical location and move ns2 to it.)

    This is what I think I know :D

    At my registrar, I should have set up with two nameservers like so: - -
    (I don't have managed dns, although I can purchase it if necessary)

    At my host, I should have reverse DNS set to the same hostnames: - -

    (I don't want mail to or from but I do want it for the other domains on the server. Will these reverse listings suffice?)

    The part that confuses me is the setup on my server - mainly the ISPConfig entries - mainly what *has* to be done with the domain - is it enough to have two A records - ns1 and ns2? and can they be set up inside ISPConfig or not? can ISPConfig itself run at https mybiz dot COM or would it have to be on mybiz dot net in this scenario?


    1) what should I put into Management, Server, Settings, DNS, next to default ns - name or IP#? For that matter, what about hostname and domain? do they have to match an A record in

    2) Which (if any) DNS settings should i set up directly in the DNS Manager? (I'm guessing the answer is either "master zone for" or "none")

    3) Which DNS settings should I set up in the ISP Manager, and which should I allow the ISP Manager to configure by itself?

    4) Which if any master zone should be set up manually, outside of ISPConfig (meaning, below the line in named.conf)? (I'm guessing whichever answer was right for question #2? the other answer goes here)

    Thank you very much!
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff and

    A master zone for (incl. A records for ns1 and ns2) plus master zones for any other domain that you want to store on ns1/ns2.

    That's up to you. Personally, I configure all DNS records manually in the DNS Manager.

    You don't have to set up any zones manually.
  9. Bebop17

    Bebop17 New Member

    It's getting clearer

    Thanks for helping me sort this out! I want to understand what ISPConfig does behind the scenes - for each action, where it gets its info, where it stores it, where it edits system conf files, etc.

    That first question was two questions mixed up. The second part should have been:
    (In ISPConfig) on the Management, Server, Server tab - the Hostname and Domain Name entries: Is it correct to say that this *doesn't* have to be the hosting domain, as long as it's a host/domain name that is set up properly in DNS? Meaning it could be or (Basically, since you have a separate hosting domain too, what do you have listed there, falko? Does it have to be What exactly happens with these entries - are they used by ISPConfig to set its own URL? Are they used to edit any conf files other than ISPConfig's own? Do I ask too many questions? :D

    OK, so just to clarify for the home viewer weeping at these words at 3 AM a few months from now, the first "manually" means "outside the ISPManager, using the DNS Manager", while the second "manually" means "at the command line editing named.conf". I think. LOL.

    Could you explain why you set up everything via DNS Manager? like, what you do differently from how ISPConfig would do it automagically? So again, what files does ISPConfig read and write to when setting up "auto MX" etc? Under what circumstances is it better/just as good to let it auto-configure DNS?

    Sorry for asking so many questions but one settings/hostnames/records question always leads to another, and how you deal with one determines how you should deal with the next one, and if you don't ask them all together then you don't get the right context :) Hopefully I can give back some kind of howto down the road.

    Thanks again!
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    The hostname isn't used by ISPConfig - it's just for you so that you know on what server you're working. Ideally, you'd fill in the server's real hostname (the one shown by
    hostname -f

    That's right. :)

    The "Create MX" checkbox creates an A record and then an MX record for that points to This is perfectly fine, but still, I prefer to set up records in the DNS Manager myself (I always want to be in full control :)).
  11. Bebop17

    Bebop17 New Member

    DNS Resolved (heh)

    Many, many thanks for your help here and in the numerous tutorials and posts. DNS is all sorted out and working well now.

    In addition to the resources here, the (Bind9) commands named-checkzone and named-checkconf have been my two best friends in the dark, lonely hours. :D

    ISPConfig is a pleasure to use. The only template edit I have to make so far is to change the Salutation "Mrs" to "Ms" ;)
  12. Bebop17

    Bebop17 New Member

    Like a time capsule

    Boy, am I glad I asked all those questions back then. I've been away from that server, and from Linux, for about six months. I have to set it up with a different domain name providing NS and it's so nice to have it all spelled out in annoying detail. :D

    Well, if you don't appreciate yourself, who will?

    And of course I remain one of many who appreciate Falko. :)

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