(1) I am using CentOS 5. (2) I have had e107 (CMS) installed on server for a few months. (3) I recently installed b2evolution (Blog) on server yesterday. (4) Now, when I try to go to b2evolution web-ftp, even after putting the b2evolution site in dropdown window, the system takes me to th e107 web-ftp area. Can anyone help me with this, have searched the forum and cannot find help there. Thank you Sage58
What do you mean with web-ftp and drop-down window? web-ftp is the area where the uploaded folder are stored on server for each individual website hosted. (link at top of admin area) The Drop-down window shows what website are stored in that area.(web selection area) It defaults to bulkmarketinglist.com when I open the web selection area. I set the drop-down window to tpiraphiaman.com and it automatically go over to bulkmarketinglist.com without clicking selection and shows bulkmarketinglist.com folders and files. Thank you for response Sage58
What admin area are you talking about? ISPConfig, or something else? I am speaking of the ispconfig admin area. Thank you again for response Sage58
If I remeber correctly I had a similar problem. I found it was because I saved the password in the browser I was using. I had to clear my passwords from the browser. then the next time I used web-ftp and it asked me to save password I choose no. I could then login to the other accounts. Hope it helps..
Does this happen in all browsers? Which browser do you use? I use both Internet Explorer and Firefox at times. When I go to the Web-Ftp area web selection is set at bulkmarketinglist.com and the user name of that site by default. I would only have to enter password if I wanted to go to that site. What I found out this evening was that, I had to enter the user name and password [first] before selecting website from the drop-down window in both browsers. Because it goes directly to the web-ftp area immediately.(even before clicking selection link) I can live with this Fako , Thanks again for response. Sage58