near the very end of my ispconfig install this error occurs and loops endlessly... I am pretty sure that `-mcpu=' is deprecated. Use `-mtune=' or '-march=' instead. is the problem and that it is fairly simple, but I am also fairly sure that I am powerless to correct it. what can I do ??? (p.s. there is a similar post on the Ubuntu forum that has gone unanswered for 2 weeks)
ongoing.... as you might have guessed, I am a linux newbie and I am working my way through this... my new guess the problem is with the gcc complier? I have updated my apt-get sources so I should have the current gcc complier, right? can I force an update on that specific component? thanks for any help/advice on this
After you've updated /etc/apt/sources.list, you must run Code: apt-get update To install the latest gcc, just run Code: apt-get install gcc
I'am not shure, but the part you posted has no repeating parts. OpenSSL is a large package. How long have you waited until you killed the compiling process? As far as i know this "`-mcpu=' is deprecated. Use `-mtune=' or '-march=' instead." is only a warning, not an error.
thank for getting back to me... I let it run for a good 10 or 15 minutes (maybe more), when I came back it was crawling along very slowly so I killed it...but I will try letting it go for an hour or two and coming back to see if it makes it all the way. thanks