Whenever I create a new user (mail) I see them ending up under /var/www/web##/user/newuser And in that dir I can see Maildir, which is kinda selfexplanatory, but there's also a dir called web with a index.html in it.. Now I'm getting really confused, how can anyone get into that dir? Is it trough ftp with that users login and password? And for a second question, how do one 'see' the contents of that index.html in a web-browser? Feeling like a newbie again
User manual: http://www.ispconfig.org/downloads/manual_en/manual_kunde_en_src.htm 2.2.9 Home Directory of a User Every user of a site has his own home directory in the folder "user". For example, the user "testuser" has the home directory "user/testuser". If FTP access is allowed for the site a user (if he is not the site administrator, see chapter III-2.2.1) will find himself in his home directory after the FTP login (thus "user/testuser"). In every home directory you can find the folder "web" whose contents can be reached through the internet via http://www.domain.tld/~testuser/ or http://www.domain.tld/users/testuser/ , where "testuser" and "www.domain.tld" have to be replaced appropriately. .
ah, ok, thanks for the help. Since I'm using Maildir for mail, I guess I can't set webspace to 0, since no mail would fit, but I don't want users to be able to set up any www material there, is there a way to disable the web part but let the mail flow free??
Yes, delete the two lines that begin with "AliasMatch" in the file: /root/ispconfig/isp/conf/vhost.conf.master Then change a setting on one of your webs in the controlpaneland hit save, ISPConfig will rewrite the vhosts.