Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail -Ubuntu 8.04

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by c4rdinal, May 27, 2008.

  1. c4rdinal

    c4rdinal New Member


    I have a couple of problems encountered after installation hope you can help me.

    Errors are as follows:

    1. Logging in to Squirrelmail says:

    root@mx-1:~# mutt -f imap://localhost

    Logging in failed

    2. Host or domain name not found error.

    root@mx-1:~# tail -f /var/log/mail.log
    May 28 14:31:39 mx-1 dccproc[5646]: no working DCC servers ... at
    May 28 14:31:40 mx-1 postfix/smtpd[5648]: connect from localhost[]
    May 28 14:31:40 mx-1 postfix/smtpd[5648]: E88E53444D: client=localhost[]
    May 28 14:31:40 mx-1 postfix/cleanup[5639]: E88E53444D: message-id=<[email protected]>
    May 28 14:31:40 mx-1 postfix/qmgr[5398]: E88E53444D: from=<[email protected]>, size=767, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
    May 28 14:31:40 mx-1 postfix/smtpd[5648]: disconnect from localhost[]
    May 28 14:31:40 mx-1 amavis[4627]: (04627-02) Passed CLEAN, <[email protected]> -> <[email protected]>, Message-ID: <[email protected]>, mail_id: MB-ZuTTqLSZe, Hits: 1.449, size: 317, queued_as: E88E53444D, 6929 ms
    May 28 14:31:40 mx-1 postfix/smtp[5642]: 0219334450: to=<[email protected]>, relay=[]:10024, delay=7, delays=0.08/0.01/0.01/6.9, dsn=2.0.0, status=sent (250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as E88E53444D)
    May 28 14:31:40 mx-1 postfix/qmgr[5398]: 0219334450: removed
    May 28 14:32:01 mx-1 postfix/smtp[5652]: E88E53444D: to=<[email protected]>, relay=none, delay=20, delays=0.02/0.02/20/0, dsn=4.4.3, status=deferred (Host or domain name not found. Name service error for type=MX: Host not found, try again)

    I made the following tests:

    root@mx-1:~#hostname -f

    root@mx-1:~#cat /etc/hosts localhost mx-1

    ping mx-1
    PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.370 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.039 ms
    64 bytes from ( icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.016 ms

    root@mx-1:~# cat /etc/resolv.conf
    nameserver (this is my internal DNS)

    root@mx-1:~# netstat -tap
    Active Internet connections (servers and established)
    Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address Foreign Address State PID/Program name
    tcp 0 0 localhost:10024 *:* LISTEN 4009/amavisd (maste
    tcp 0 0 localhost:10025 *:* LISTEN 5395/master
    tcp 0 0 localhost:mysql *:* LISTEN 4083/mysqld
    tcp 0 0 *:www *:* LISTEN 4756/apache2
    tcp 0 0 *:smtp *:* LISTEN 5395/master
    tcp6 0 0 [::]:imaps [::]:* LISTEN 5556/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 [::]:pop3s [::]:* LISTEN 5624/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 [::]:pop3 [::]:* LISTEN 5587/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 [::]:imap2 [::]:* LISTEN 5519/couriertcpd
    tcp6 0 0 [::]:ssh [::]:* LISTEN 3974/sshd
    tcp6 0 0 ESTABLISHED 4803/1

    root@mx-1:~# telnet localhost 25
    Connected to localhost.
    Escape character is '^]'.
    220 ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)
    250-SIZE 10240000
    250 DSN
    221 2.0.0 Bye
    Connection closed by foreign host.

    I tried to recheck everything but I can't seem to see what I missed.

    I hope you can help me.

    Thanks alot and more power!
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  2. matpaa

    matpaa New Member

    This worked for me

    I'm noob (and bit lazy) and that's why i crawl trougth guides.

    I had similar problem and my problem was solved when i checked all files i needed to edit when following that guide.

    There i found that i did too much copy - paste and forgot to change few 'mail_admin_password' to actual password.

    Maybe this is worth to check ?
  3. c4rdinal

    c4rdinal New Member


    I already made a recheck on everything but I can't see where I missed.

    root@mx-1:~# find /home/vmail/

    Sending the user doesn't create directories either.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Please create an A record for
  5. matpaa

    matpaa New Member

    It should not need server name to mail address.
    ... at least mine is working fine without that.

    i assume that you done:
    mailx [email protected]

    if you put something into transports or forwardings tables remove those entrys and try again.

    ... and other modifications also, so you have plain setup.
  6. metal1633

    metal1633 New Member

    I have been through the how-to twice and have the same error from Squirrelmail. And with the same mutt command it rejects my password with "temporary problem. please try again later" and "Login Failed."

    EDIT. Falko...In the how-to you do not say to activate SpamAssassin. Should I also edit /etc/default/spamassassin and change ENABLED=no to ENABLED=yes? then start it?

    Also I found that there is no mailbox under /home/vmail, though there is one under /home/administrator and /home/'username' and also under /root
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  7. c4rdinal

    c4rdinal New Member

    Same here. I redo everything but same results. Cannot login via Squirrelmail. :(
  8. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, that's not necessary as amavisd calls the normal spamassassin binary, not the daemon.

    What's in your mail log now?

    IF the mailboxes are not created within /home/vmail, then there's something fundamentally wrong with your system...
  9. metal1633

    metal1633 New Member

    Ok thanks for the intel on spamassassin. The how-to was unclear at that point. I knew the amavisd called Spamassassin but was unsure if it needed to be activated itself.

    And yeah there must be something fundamentally wrong with my install. Something I did wrong twice. The First time, a fresh install, I typed out all the commands and edits. But I got the error. Being mildly dyslexic, I am ubber dependent on spell checkers and could very well have made an typing error. So the Second time I Copy/Pasted all your commands and edits (also a fresh install) But got the same issue.

    SO. I rebooted and when the system came up I attempted to log into Squirrelmail from my desktop and got the error "ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server." And when I mutt as either admin or user I get the error ""temporary problem. please try again later" and "Login Failed." Below is the relevant portion of the mail.log file from reboot to attempting to access squirrelmail.

    May 29 13:35:16 hostname spamd[5471]: spamd: server killed by SIGTERM, shutting down
    May 29 13:35:31 hostname authdaemond: stopping authdaemond children
    May 29 13:35:31 hostname postfix/master[5028]: terminating on signal 15
    May 29 13:39:08 hostname amavis[4757]: starting. /usr/sbin/amavisd-new at amavisd-new-2.5.3 (20071212), Unicode aware
    May 29 13:39:08 hostname amavis[4757]: Perl version 5.008008
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Amavis::Conf 2.093
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Archive::Zip 1.18
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module BerkeleyDB 0.32
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Compress::Zlib 2.008
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Convert::TNEF 0.17
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Convert::UUlib 1.09
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module DBD::mysql 4.005
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module DBI 1.601
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module DB_File 1.814
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Digest::MD5 2.36
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Digest::SHA1 2.11
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module MIME::Entity 5.425
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module MIME::parser 5.425
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module MIME::Tools 5.425
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Mail::Header 2.02
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Mail::Internet 2.02
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Mail::SPF v2.005
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Mail::SpamAssassin 3.002004
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Net::DNS 0.63
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Net::Server 0.97
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module NetAddr::IP 4.007
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Razor2::Client::Version 2.84
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Time::HiRes 1.86
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module URI 1.35
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Module Unix::Syslog 1.0
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Amavis::DB code loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Amavis::Cache code loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: SQL base code NOT loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: SQL::Log code NOT loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: SQL::Quarantine NOT loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Lookup::SQL code NOT loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Lookup::LDAP code NOT loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: AM.PDP-in proto code loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: SMTP-in proto code loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Courier proto code NOT loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: SMTP-out proto code loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Pipe-out proto code NOT loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: BSMTP-out proto code NOT loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Local-out proto code loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: OS_Fingerprint code NOT loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: ANTI-VIRUS code loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: ANTI-SPAM code loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: ANTI-SPAM-SA code loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Unpackers code loaded
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Found $file at /usr/bin/file
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No $dspam, not using it
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No $altermime, not using it
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Internal decoder for .mail
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Internal decoder for .asc
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Internal decoder for .uue
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Internal decoder for .hqx
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Internal decoder for .ync
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No decoder for .F
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Found decoder for .Z at /bin/uncompress
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Internal decoder for .gz
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Found decoder for .bz2 at /bin/bzip2 -d
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Found decoder for .lzo at /usr/bin/lzop -d
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No decoder for .rpm tried:, rpm2cpio
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Found decoder for .cpio at /usr/bin/pax
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Found decoder for .tar at /usr/bin/pax
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Found decoder for .deb at /usr/bin/ar
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Internal decoder for .zip
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No decoder for .7z tried: 7zr, 7za, 7z
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No decoder for .rar
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No decoder for .arj tried: arj, unarj
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Found decoder for .arc at /usr/bin/nomarch
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Found decoder for .zoo at /usr/bin/zoo
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No decoder for .lha
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No decoder for .doc tried: ripole
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No decoder for .cab tried: cabextract
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No decoder for .tnef
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Internal decoder for .tnef
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: No decoder for .exe tried: arj, unarj
    May 29 13:39:11 hostname amavis[4762]: Using primary internal av scanner code for ClamAV-clamd
    May 29 13:39:12 hostname amavis[4762]: Using primary internal av scanner code for check-jpeg
    May 29 13:39:12 hostname amavis[4762]: Found secondary av scanner ClamAV-clamscan at /usr/bin/clamscan
    May 29 13:39:12 hostname amavis[4762]: Creating db in /var/lib/amavis/db/; BerkeleyDB 0.32, libdb 4.6
    May 29 13:39:16 hostname spamd[4893]: logger: removing stderr method
    May 29 13:39:20 hostname authdaemond: modules="authmysql", daemons=5
    May 29 13:39:20 hostname authdaemond: Installing libauthmysql
    May 29 13:39:20 hostname authdaemond: Installation complete: authmysql
    May 29 13:39:22 hostname spamd[4908]: spamd: server started on port 783/tcp (running version 3.2.4)
    May 29 13:39:22 hostname spamd[4908]: spamd: server pid: 4908
    May 29 13:39:22 hostname spamd[4908]: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 5405
    May 29 13:39:22 hostname spamd[4908]: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 5406
    May 29 13:39:22 hostname spamd[4908]: prefork: child states: II
    May 29 13:39:23 hostname postfix/master[5407]: daemon started -- version 2.5.1, configuration /etc/postfix
    May 29 13:52:18 hostname imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    May 29 13:52:18 hostname authdaemond: failed to connect to mysql server (server=localhost, userid=mail_admin): Access denied for user 'mail_admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
    May 29 13:52:18 hostname imapd: LOGIN FAILED, [email protected], ip=[::ffff:]
    May 29 13:52:18 hostname imapd: authentication error: Input/output error
    May 29 13:55:17 hostname imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    May 29 13:55:17 hostname authdaemond: failed to connect to mysql server (server=localhost, userid=mail_admin): Access denied for user 'mail_admin'@'localhost' (using password: YES)
    May 29 13:55:17 hostname imapd: LOGIN FAILED, user=myusername, ip=[::ffff:]
    May 29 13:55:17 hostname imapd: authentication error: Input/output error
    Last edited: May 29, 2008
  10. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    You're using the wrong username and/or password in /etc/courier/authmysqlrc.
  11. metal1633

    metal1633 New Member

    I am afraid you have lost me. I have read over the how-to again and every thing seems to be they way it should be. Did you leave something out? Something obvious? Something you may have expected the reader to already know? A common problem with many how-to's. Reality is most readers are NOT as smart as the author otherwise we would not be using a how-to.

    This system is not critical. There are time constraints. I need a working mail server fairly soon.

    As to the passwords. Right now, because I am the only user and I am testing there is only one. sql root, mail_admin, system admin account, my personal user account...All have the same password.

    So no I did not use the wrong password.

    Now I went through the sql database and found that the mail_admin had no privileges even though it should have had so I gave it SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE using Webmin. I can login to phpmyadmin using mail_admin and the password. No Problem there so I am not sure what you want me to do with /etc/courier/authmysqlrc

    EDIT>> Reading through the posts I saw that one of the posters who had the same problem found that he had "and forgot[en] to change few 'mail_admin_password' to actual password." Am I to understand that I am to put the Actual Password in a bunch of plain text files? >>>> Further reading....I get it now...The files are not readable. NOW I feel like a dumb ass.

    They say the third time is the Charm. I will let you know how it goes.
    Last edited: May 30, 2008
  12. metal1633

    metal1633 New Member

    Ok. Everything seems A-Okay now. But I am having trouble with pop clients (Evolution and Thunderbird) Everytime I try to send my password is rejected. I will search to seeif there is a thread on this issue. Unless someone here has a ready answer at hand on the proper way to set up pop clients.
  13. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the exact error message from the mail log?
  14. metal1633

    metal1633 New Member

    Thanks for taking the time to do this. If you are half as busy as I am you have no time. I created the account in Evolution, accepted the Certificates and can receive without issue. When I send, as I said, it refuses to authenticate me. Here is the relevant portion of the log. I tried several times with different setting in the client account preferences dialog.

    Jun 1 10:36:52 myhostname pop3d: Connection, ip=[::ffff:myexternalIP]
    Jun 1 10:36:57 myhostname pop3d: LOGOUT, ip=[::ffff:myexternalIP]
    Jun 1 10:36:57 myhostname pop3d: Disconnected, ip=[::ffff:myexternalIP]
    Jun 1 10:37:21 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: connect from [myexternalIP]
    Jun 1 10:37:24 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: disconnect from[myexternalIP]
    Jun 1 10:38:07 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: connect from[myexternalIP]
    Jun 1 10:38:07 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed
    Jun 1 10:38:07 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning:[myexternalIP]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure
    Jun 1 10:38:16 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed
    Jun 1 10:38:16 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning:[myexternalIP]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure
    Jun 1 10:38:24 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed
    Jun 1 10:38:24 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning:[myexternalIP]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure
    Jun 1 10:38:26 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: disconnect from[myexternalIP]
    Jun 1 10:38:52 myhostname pop3d: Connection, ip=[::ffff:myexternalIP]
    Jun 1 10:38:52 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: connect from[myexternalIP]
    Jun 1 10:38:57 myhostname pop3d: LOGIN, [email protected], ip=[::ffff:myexternalIP], port=[60595]
    Jun 1 10:39:01 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed
    Jun 1 10:39:01 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning:[myexternalIP]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure
    Jun 1 10:39:05 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed
    Jun 1 10:39:05 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning:[myexternalIP]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure
    Jun 1 10:39:07 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed
    Jun 1 10:39:07 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning:[myexternalIP]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure
    Jun 1 10:39:08 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning: SASL authentication failure: Password verification failed
    Jun 1 10:39:08 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: warning:[myexternalIP]: SASL PLAIN authentication failed: authentication failure
    Jun 1 10:39:09 myhostname postfix/smtpd[6303]: disconnect from[myexternalIP]
    Jun 1 10:39:13 myhostname pop3d: LOGOUT, [email protected], ip=[::ffff:myexternalIP], port=[60595], top=0, retr=7605, rcvd=56, sent=8188, time=16, stls=1
    Jun 1 10:42:29 myhostname postfix/anvil[6306]: statistics: max connection rate 2/60s for (smtp:myexternalIP) at Jun 1 10:38:07
    Jun 1 10:42:29 myhostname postfix/anvil[6306]: statistics: max connection count 1 for (smtp:myexternalIP) at Jun 1 10:37:21
    Jun 1 10:42:29 myhostname postfix/anvil[6306]: statistics: max cache size 1 at Jun 1 10:37:21
  15. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's in your and /etc/pam.d/smtpd? Did you disable AppArmor?
  16. metal1633

    metal1633 New Member

    Apparmor is disabled and purged. It was an error in the /etc/pam.d/smtp file. That file is also readable by other users and I do not like that. By changing its permissions, making it readable to only 'owner' and 'group' will I break the system?

    Ohh and its 'owner' is 'root' and its 'group' is also 'root'.
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2008
  17. lombardo

    lombardo New Member

    ERROR: Connection dropped by IMAP server.

    First of all I want to thank you for the tutorial. I am having a connection dropped by IMAP server.

    Here is the mail log i outputted using tail.

    Jun 2 20:09:36 Webhoster imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun 2 20:09:36 Webhoster imapd: authdaemon: s_connect() failed: Connection refused
    Jun 2 20:09:36 Webhoster imapd: [Hint: perhaps authdaemond is not running?]
    Jun 2 20:09:36 Webhoster imapd: LOGIN FAILED, user=, ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun 2 20:09:36 Webhoster imapd: authentication error: Connection refused
    Jun 2 20:13:33 Webhoster imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun 2 20:13:33 Webhoster imapd: authdaemon: s_connect() failed: Connection refused
    Jun 2 20:13:33 Webhoster imapd: [Hint: perhaps authdaemond is not running?]
    Jun 2 20:13:33 Webhoster imapd: LOGIN FAILED, [email protected], ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun 2 20:13:33 Webhoster imapd: authentication error: Connection refused
    Jun 2 20:23:00 Webhoster imapd: Connection, ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun 2 20:23:00 Webhoster imapd: authdaemon: s_connect() failed: Connection refused
    Jun 2 20:23:00 Webhoster imapd: [Hint: perhaps authdaemond is not running?]
    Jun 2 20:23:00 Webhoster imapd: LOGIN FAILED, [email protected], ip=[::ffff:]
    Jun 2 20:23:00 Webhoster imapd: authentication error: Connection refused

    Thanks for helping me out.

  18. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Not sure - I'd try it.
  19. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Is the Courier authdaemon running?
  20. lombardo

    lombardo New Member

    How can I check if the Courier authdaemon is running ?

    I am quite new at this and appreciate the efforts you are making towards helping me.

    On a sidenote which book would you recommend to help me understand Ubuntu Server ? I need the book to have a chapter or two on mail setup.


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