Facebook RSS reader question / problem

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by Shutez, Jun 2, 2008.

  1. Shutez

    Shutez New Member

    Hi, I have recently installed and use the rss reader application for facebook. I work with students and it makes communication with them much easier.


    However, I am having a problem, and I have a question

    Problem: Blog feed shows up on application page, but not on my profile. Just get blank white space on the profile (although the application shows up)

    Question: (unrelated) Assuming I can get to the bottom of why the feed doesn't show up on my profile, I would really like to then enable a newsfeed / mini-feed / notifications when the RSS is updated to the blog - does anyone know how to do this?

    Thanks so much for your help! I'm completely stuck...

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I've just checked to see if FB has maybe changed their API again, but my feed is still showing up on my profile page...
    Can you check your code? Maybe there's a typo somewhere?
  3. Shutez

    Shutez New Member

    which file?

    I'll check the code - do you know which file I should be checking? There are quite a few on the server! Sorry about the newbie question! - it's because I don't really know .php.

    Thanks again for the help,
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    All files, I'm afraid... :(

    Did you clear your browser's cache? Maybe you didn't see the feed because an old version of your profile page was in the cache.

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