Share files with windows

Discussion in 'Desktop Operation' started by ml27381, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. ml27381

    ml27381 New Member

    I am new to Linux, totally new. I installed PCLinuxOS following howtos and was successfully dual boot my win XP and PCLOS, thank you very much.

    I partitioned my 60 G laptop hard drive as following: 30 G for Window, 10G for Linux and swap, 20G for /home. I also used samba to connect to my husband's drive in another laptop running XP.

    My problem is that I can see my files in Window drive and my husband drive but cannot do anything with it. I can open it, read, but after that cannot make any change (i.e save my change) .... I cannot copy a file to those Window drives also. I also have some external drives (USB hard drives and USB thumb drives) that were used well with Windows. I have not tried with Linux but wonder if they can be used ?

    In the contrary, in Window, I cannot see my files in Linux drives also.

    Please help since I don't want to copy back and forward between those two kinds of drives.

    Thanks in advance.
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. ml27381

    ml27381 New Member

    already followed the instruction and got USB thumb drive work fine. Network drive works fine too. Thank you very much.

    However, I marked "internal drive" and then cannot see any thing on my ntfs window internal partition anymore. Konkeror show no folder, no file in the partition drive. Could you help me out ? Just solving this, my problem with share files is over.

    Thanks in advance.
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Any errors in your logs?
    What's the output of

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