Fedora 8 preupgrade to 9

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by v2k, Jun 8, 2008.

  1. v2k

    v2k New Member


    I am running fc8 with livna and nivida drivers.


    yum install preupgrade
    I rebooted and anaconda went into gfx mode and my monitor reports 'out of range'.

    I tried removing all packages with nivida and livna via:

     rpm -qa|grep livna
     rpm -qa|grep nvidia
     rpm -e ....
    Then I tried:

    rpm -ivh http://rpm.livna.org/livna-release-9.rpm => fedora-release >= 9 is needed by livna-release-9-1.noarch

    Rebooting still puts me in a state where I can't view the screen...
  2. v2k

    v2k New Member

    I get the same issue running straight off of the fedora9 dvd iso
  3. v2k

    v2k New Member

    I updated from the iso via txt mode to get around this.

    However, now in fc9 I can't seem to install fc9 nvidia drivers.

    yum search kmod-nvidia
    Lists only fc8 packages and my repolist only refers to fc9 sources?
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There are no NVidia drivers for Fedora 9 yet... :(
  5. o.meyer

    o.meyer New Member Moderator


    NVIDIA drivers are now available (livna).

    Best regards,

  6. v2k

    v2k New Member

    the linva drivers fixed this.

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