couldn't found mime type..........

Discussion in 'Technical' started by saanchi, Jun 7, 2008.

  1. saanchi

    saanchi New Member

    I got kubuntu 7.10 installed ...........
    there is a problem started for some time....
    everytime i open a new window or new tab or even go
    back and forward in konqueror it displays an error message ......" sorry , couldn't find mime type"...

    could anyone tell wat's the problem and wat is it's remedy....
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

  3. mellentino

    mellentino New Member


    I also have similar problem, but it happens only with mailbox files.... the file manager keeps telling me it's an x-stream type. Actually its a mailbox file for sendmail.
  4. saanchi

    saanchi New Member


    thnx for the link worked......
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    What's the exact error message? When exactly does this happen (and in what application)?
  6. mellentino

    mellentino New Member

    Very sorry for the late reply..... that happens on FC6 actually..... the error is displayed on user's squirrelmail page (Mailbox isn't a valid mbox file). When I make a check with nautilus, it says that the file is an x-stream/application type while some mbox files is displayed correctly as "mailbox MBOX file"
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you configure SquirrelMail for the correct POP3 server?
  8. mellentino

    mellentino New Member

    Everything was configured exactly as described in the tutorial "Installing a LAMP server using Fedora Core 6". The problem came out when moving old user mailbox files..... some can be read directly but some mailbox files gave a MIME reading of x-stream/application.

    Is there a document that describe correctly the MIME structure for mbox files ?

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