Okay, so I'm following The Perfect Server tutorial on Heron, and I follow it exactly and every time I get to the apt-get update, it gives me some "Can not fetch", and "Can not resolve" problems dealing with us.archive.ubuntu.com and security.ubuntu.com. I have tried to look up help but most deal with a proxy, which as far as I know, I don't have. I have reinstalled the server edition of ubuntu on it at least 16 times so far, and none of which give me any different reading, so I'm at a complete loss of things to do... Anyone have any ideas at all? Help is greatly appreciated...
I reinstalled again and when it got to setting up the static ip, I looked up a different tutorial, that involved resolv.conf like you said, so when I finished and restarted, I could update just fine, so I would assume that might've been my culprit. Thanks for the help!