Incremental Backup

Discussion in 'Technical' started by myth007_03, Jun 27, 2008.

  1. myth007_03

    myth007_03 New Member

    Can any one give me detail about incremental backup and how to apply it if i want to implement it.... thanks you very much
  2. Hans

    Hans Moderator Moderator

    You can use rdiff-backup.

    For example have a look here.
  3. myth007_03

    myth007_03 New Member

    thank you for your reply but i want to implement incremental backup in my project of backup for my degree...........
  4. myth007_03

    myth007_03 New Member

    i studied incremental backup but i stuck at one point ...... if we add some thing to a block which is in the begning then every block below it is destroyed so i have to backup all blocks or any method to get the change
  5. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    rdiff-backup lets you create incremental backups.
  6. myth007_03

    myth007_03 New Member

    i don't want to use incremental backup, i want to implement it in my own software....... i need algo which i can implement

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