I recently got a trial certificate and used it for 1 month. When it expired I bought another and https://www.domain.com shows the lock and everything is great. When I access https://www.domain.com:81, the browser shows untrusted or expired certificate warning. when I look at that certificate it IS expired (basically it is using the trial certificate STILL). The ISPConfig server certificate did not change over like the one for the standard site. How can I fix this?
The server on port 81 is a completely different apache installation and has nothing to do with the server on port 80. If you want to change the certificates for the server on port 81, have a look in the directory /root/ispconfig/httpd/conf/
?? I did not do anything in the conf folder before but the ispconfig server shows the trial certificate still. how did it come to use this certificate if it is completely separate? I am not disagreeing that they are separate but something allowed it to use that trial cert. what is it exactly that i need to do? i have the cert in my web1/ssl folder. do i copy and paste into the conf folder?