NDT Installation

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by n00blet, Jul 19, 2008.

  1. n00blet

    n00blet New Member

    Hello Linux Guru's

    I have just completed the NDT installation on an ubuntu OS following these steps.


    I believed I had completed each step without error however I cannot access the webpage of this server. When I run a netstat command

    netstat --all --tcp

    I only see my SSH server listening.
    I also notice that when I issue the command "uname -r"

    I get the following
    Does this mean my kernel did not get upgraded correctly?

    How can I troubleshoot to find which steps I may have missed? I really would like to get NDT running! :)
  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Did you select the correct kernel when the system booted? What's in /boot/grub/menu.lst?
  3. n00blet

    n00blet New Member

    I'll find out here in a bit and post it for ya! Thanks for the help.
  4. n00blet

    n00blet New Member

    Ok I figured it out, I forgot to select the option web100 on startup.

    Any how I get as far as trying to install the NDT.

    I unzip ndt-3.4.4a.tar.gz
    Then enter ndt-3.4.4a directory and type

    It does a bunch of stuff then I type


    Bunch of more stuff then

    make install

    But it never creates a directory in /usr/local.

    It's suppose to make a /usr/local/ndt.

    Any thoughts?
  5. n00blet

    n00blet New Member

    I'm missing Tcpbw100.jar in my /usr/local/ndt folder. As such the applet doesn't load!

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