FTP issues on CentOS 5.2

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by d31373, Jul 24, 2008.

  1. d31373

    d31373 New Member

    I followed the CentOS 5.2 Perfect Server Installation guide...well kinda...
    The only places I differ were on the ProFTPd installation instructions and mod_ruby.

    1.) I used the RPMForge.net repo for ProFTPd install.
    2.) I have no need to support mod_ruby at the moment but may consider it in the future so I skipped it.

    I do not like to manually compile and install software, modules, or kernels...I dont have the time to keep track of bug fixes and patches.

    I am having a few issues, which I have determined are not necessarily related specifically to this particular configuration. (experiencing it on a CentOS 5.2 @home file server running vsftpd)

    My ISPConfig/users cannot FTP at all (not even from the web-ftp! Only when offered shell access can they at least SFTP... Additionally they can venture from their home folder and access other people's webs.

    I can post configs, just let me know what you'd like to see... I will post the proftpd.conf in the morning once i wake up. Thanks for all your help!
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Please reconfigure the proftpd.conf file on your system as described in the centos perfect serverr howto.
  3. mofu_45

    mofu_45 New Member

    Basically what till is saying is this:..............................

    Switch to Windows!!!!!
  4. Matthes

    Matthes New Member

    Roll over and die.
  5. bolero

    bolero New Member

    I recommend to just use the default vsftpd on CentOS, it works just fine without any alteration. (I did very few to tighten the timeout limits a bit, that's all.)

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