Well I dont know how many people are interested but here is a working autosignup with authorize.net as a billing api, make your adjustments to the autosignup.php for your own server, add your authorize.net user and pass key to the process.php, and in the email.php change the email addresses to your choice of address, and your good to go. I am still working on the multiple packages in the mainsite database dump, but if you are setting up a single package its good to go. -- and if you need a 3rd party billing for authorize.net email me I also provide that as a service. Thanks Tommahawk for the autosignup.php script. And Thanks to my php programer in Austrailia Doc Chris http://www.rhwebhosting.com/scriptmall
So I bought a copy a about 2 months ago. Is there any updates to the software? I'm also going to point paypal to paypal.com instead of sandbox. Which way is the easiest? Please advise. Thanks paul
RDtech, In the paypal.php file lines 17 and 18. Currently there is not an update, we are working on a V2 at the moment, which is 10 steps beyond version 1, the new version is going to have 29 billing modules, opensrs integration, and a few other goodies to
alex v2 is a bit delayed due to a variety of reasons, but it is going to be a completely different script, it wont be a free upgrade, but anyone who has purchased v1 will get a discount on v2
thanks for your answer, i have a few more questions after the user has paid via paypal does the user get sent back to your website? secondly how do you check to see if the user has paid? are you using paypal api's to then automate the creation of the user with ispconfig? how do you handle the post payment of a user?
1. paypal sends the user back to your website, make sure the paypal ipn returns to the autosignup.php. 2. the paypal ipn confirms the user payment, if the payment did not process, the account wouldnt get created as paypal wouldnt return to the autosignup.php 3. it sets up a subscription with paypal, so it bills monthly automatically. I hope that answers all of your questions.
thanks, some more questions, i wish to understand the technical aspects of it with the 2) answer, i have a couple of questions so when the paypal ipn sends the user back to the autosignup.php AFTER he has paid, does paypal send the user back to autosignup.php with a unique key? ie: autosignup.php?user=abc123&paypal-paid=yes&hashkey=23123 ? from there you can verify those details, and once they are, verified from paypal does your script then proceed to sign them up through the ispconfig soap calls? how DOES your script verify correctly that your user has signed up?
As its coming from paypal's ipn, you change the name of autosignup.php to keep it hidden, there is no verification in this version of it other than the ipn returning. When the ipn returns, it automatically creates the user account.