Bluetooth PAND

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by aamir_usaf, Jun 19, 2008.

  1. aamir_usaf

    aamir_usaf New Member

    I followed "Bluetooth PAND (Personal Area Network) Howto For Debian Etch" and established the PAND connection. But on the PANU side the connection status is "Pending" although pings can be sent from the both sides with 0% loss and all received.

    on running the command at NAP: (I am using a desktop(Ubuntu) and an ASUS EEE(Xandros) with bluetooth dongles)
    ---> tail -f /var/log/syslog

    it gives the output like that:

    "you want, please write a subnet declaration
    in your dhcpd.conf file for the network segment
    to which interface eth0 is attached. **

    Can't bind to dhcp address: Address already in use
    Please make sure there is no other dhcp server
    running and that there's no entry for dhcp or
    bootp in /etc/inetd.conf. Also make sure you
    are not running HP JetAdmin software, which
    includes a bootp server."

    and when i try to reconnect the connection at PANU side, it displays in the log like that:
    "No DHCPOFFERS received
    No working leases in persistent database - sleeping"

    Can anybody guide ma to make it successful
  2. aamir_usaf

    aamir_usaf New Member

    bluetooth pan

    any body can help??????????????
  3. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    I don't know a solution... :(
  4. topdog

    topdog Active Member

    please post output of
    and the contents of dhcpd.conf
  5. aamir_usaf

    aamir_usaf New Member

    Thanx topdog and all who visited this page

    I have fix it now .........Alhamdolillah. Anybody who is facing problem with connecting two PCs through bluetooth for internet , I can assist.....feel free to write me.
  6. Xmister

    Xmister New Member

    I have a problem in this subject, so I don't want to create a new topic.
    I'm using Ubuntu 8.04 instead of etch, and I can't connect to PC from my phone, accroding to "ps aux" the pand is running, but my k800i unable to connect.
    In the log I see this:
    Jul 18 01:33:53 xmister NetworkManager: <debug> [1216337633.148482] nm_hal_device_added(): New device added (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/bluetooth_acl_16b8ffe306'). 
    Jul 18 01:33:53 xmister hcid[13888]: link_key_request (sba=00:11:F6:00:00:06, dba=00:16:B8:FF:E3:06)
    Jul 18 01:33:53 xmister NetworkManager: <debug> [1216337633.697303] nm_hal_device_removed(): Device removed (hal udi is '/org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/bluetooth_acl_16b8ffe306'). 
  7. Xmister

    Xmister New Member

    I found sg:
    When the bluetooth service starts pand I cannot connect, but if I pand -K, then start pand with the same parameters as the service works, I can connect and use the net with my phone...

    Anyone has an Idea why it is acting like this?
  8. eletha

    eletha New Member

    Bluetooth and DBUS issues: can't become primary owner of org.bluez?

    I am using Gutsy with a Dell630 with built in bluetooth. Hciconfig brings up hci0 with my BT address. But hcitool scan brings up nothing

    @ubuntu1:~$ hciconfig
    hci0:   Type: USB
            BD Address: 00:1A:6B:E6:A9:4D ACL MTU: 310:10 SCO MTU: 64:8
            UP RUNNING PSCAN 
            RX bytes:985 acl:0 sco:0 events:30 errors:0
            TX bytes:617 acl:0 sco:0 commands:28 errors:0
    @ubuntu1:~$ hcitool scan
    Scanning ...

    @ubuntu1:/var/run/dbus$ sudo rm -f /var/run/dbus/*
    [sudo] password for :
    @ubuntu1:/var/run/dbus$ dbus-uuidgen --ensure
    @ubuntu1:/var/run/dbus$ dbus-daemon --system
    Failed to start message bus: Failed to bind socket "/var/run/dbus/system_bus_socket": Permission denied
    @ubuntu1:/var/run/dbus$ sudo dbus-daemon --system
    @ubuntu1:/var/run/dbus$ modprobe bluetooth
    @ubuntu1:/var/run/dbus$ modprobe l2cap
    @ubuntu1:/var/run/dbus$ modprobe rfcomm
    @ubuntu1:/var/run/dbus$ modprobe hci-usb
    @ubuntu1:/var/run/dbus$ hcid -n
    hcid[7798]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
    hcid[7798]: HCI dev 0 registered
    hcid[7799]: Can't init device hci0: Permission denied (13)
    hcid[7798]: HCI dev 0 already up
    hcid[7798]: Device hci0 has been added
    hcid[7800]: Can't set link mode on hci0: Permission denied (13)
    hcid[7800]: Can't set link policy on hci0: Permission denied (13)
    hcid[7798]: Starting security manager 0
    hcid[7798]: Can't write inquiry mode for hci0: Operation not permitted (1)
    hcid[7798]: Created local server at unix:abstract=/var/run/dbus-BVnoISlG8C,guid=8a5aabd33609a28fc1307d0048998408
    hcid[7798]: Can't create server address file
    input[7801]: Bluetooth Input daemon
    input[7801]: Registered input manager path:/org/bluez/input
    input[7801]: Failed to listen on control channel
    serial[7802]: Bluetooth Serial Port daemon
    serial[7802]: Registered manager path:/org/bluez/serial
    network[7803]: Bluetooth Network daemon
    network[7803]: Can't create bridge
    network[7803]: Bind failed. Permission denied(13)
    hcid[7798]: Got NameOwnerChanged signal for :1.3 which has no listeners
    Can someone help me make sense of these errors and how I can explore them/ fix them? Are all these permission denied warnings coming up because I am not executing the command as root user? I tried the command as root user, but it still wouldn't work.

    When I normally type hcid -n, it tells me the following:
    Jul 28 12:32:11 ubuntu1 hcid[9176]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
    Jul 28 12:32:11 ubuntu1 hcid[9176]: Could not become the primary owner of org.bluez
    Jul 28 12:32:11 ubuntu1 hcid[9176]: Unable to get on D-Bus
    What does is mean to not be able to become the primary owner of an object path? How can I check why this is happening?

    I am also suspecting that the hcid and DBUS session bus are not listening in on the same socket.

    $ dbus-launch
    But in (from /etc/dbus-1/session.conf), session dbus listens to
    While Bluetooth (from /var/run/dbus/bluetoothd_address) listens to
    And (from /etc/dbus-1/system.conf) the System DBUS listens in on:
    These directories are different, but session dbus which is the one i'm probably interacting with is listening to a different directory all together... should i hardcode this directory setting to change it to /var/run/dbus?

    I've also modified the system.con and session.conf to include system-local.conf that allows user="root" and all active users to own "org.bluez" but to still no avail.

    Any ideas?
  9. eletha

    eletha New Member

    After reinstalling bluez-utils, bluez-libs, and lbdbus-1-3, I ran as root user:

    hcid[18637]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
    hcid[18637]: Parsing /etc/bluetooth/main.conf failed: No such file or directory
    hcid[18637]: Starting SDP server
    hcid[18637]: Registered manager path:/org/bluez/serial
    hcid[18637]: Unix socket created: 12
    hcid[18637]: Registered manager path:/org/bluez/audio
    [B]hcid[18637]: Can't init plugin /usr/lib/bluetooth/plugins/[/B]
    hcid[18637]: Registered input manager path:/org/bluez/input
    [B]hcid[18637]: Failed to listen on control channel[/B]
    hcid[18637]: HCI dev 0 registered
    hcid[18637]: HCI dev 0 already up
    hcid[18637]: Device hci0 has been added
    hcid[18637]: Starting security manager 0
    hcid[18637]: Device hci0 has been activated
    So! No more DBUS problems! Apparently, for now.

    Here's the screen cap from syslog:

    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Bluetooth HCI daemon
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Parsing /etc/bluetooth/main.conf failed: No such file or directory
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Starting SDP server
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hidd[6165]: Bluetooth HID daemon
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Registered manager path:/org/bluez/serial
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Unix socket created: 12
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Registered manager path:/org/bluez/audio
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: bridge pan0 created
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Registered manager path:/org/bluez/network
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Registered server path:/org/bluez/network/nap
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Registered server path:/org/bluez/network/gn
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Registered server path:/org/bluez/network/panu
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 pand[6180]: Bluetooth PAN daemon version 3.19
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Registered input manager path:/org/bluez/input
    [B]Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Failed to listen on control channel[/B]
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: HCI dev 0 registered
    [B]Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 pand[6180]: Bind failed. Address already in use(98)[/B]
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: HCI dev 0 up
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Device hci0 has been added
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Starting security manager 0
    Aug 12 12:29:41 ubuntu1 hcid[6147]: Device hci0 has been activated

    Does anyone else get a "Bind Failed" error? And how do I check if the control channel is being listened to?

    Thanks for your help!
    Last edited: Aug 12, 2008

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