Refrshing Vhost

Discussion in 'General' started by webcave, Aug 10, 2008.

  1. webcave

    webcave New Member


    I have debian etch 4.0 64-bit and im having a bit of trouble refreshing the vhost is there a way i can make a cron to have it refresh ever 30 minutes or so?

    any help would be greatly appreciated :cool:
  2. torusturtle

    torusturtle Member

    ISPConfig rewrites the Vhost file every time you make a change.
  3. webcave

    webcave New Member

    yeah i know but i have the auto user signup and a user signs up and the virtual host needs to be refreshed
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The remoting framework takes care of refreshing the Vhost_ispconfig.conf file after you added a site with the remoting framework.
  5. webcave

    webcave New Member

    Ok i looked into that and there was a error with my coding so i fixed it works now:D

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