The Perfect Desktop - Fedora 9

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by ukiome, May 15, 2008.

  1. ukiome

    ukiome New Member

    This is no support question but I'm very curious to the desktop look that most of this sites "Perfect Desktop"-howtos are using.

    How about a how-to for getting that stylish look on your desktop?

  2. o.meyer

    o.meyer New Member Moderator

    Hi ukiome,

    I'm using a customized version of the theme "SlicknesS" from If you send me your email-address i can send it to you.

    Best regards,

  3. jlim0930

    jlim0930 New Member

    can you also send me a copy of this theme ?

  4. YbeddyJ

    YbeddyJ New Member

    Can i also get a copy?

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