Error installing ISPConfig on debian

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by omniware, Apr 23, 2008.

  1. omniware

    omniware New Member

    I'm installing a ISPConfig on a fresh lenny debian server.

    I'm done all steps on the perfect debian etch setup (I think is very similar as Lenny). Tha's perfect.

    Later I'm donwloaded ISPConfig-2.2.23.tar.gz, I unpacked it and I do ./setup
    the process work fine just it get to make the mysql database.

    The setup program create the database db_ispconfig. It fails an report that
    I install it for three times nad allways is the same.

    Anyone have similar problem?
    Anyone know howto solve it?
  2. omniware

    omniware New Member


    Finally I look the error.

    I think it is a bug in installation program code.

    If you put on root mysql any password wich it starts with ( then the setup program broking.

  3. GaulHahn

    GaulHahn New Member

    Darn i just ran into this bug as well.

    Do I have to start from scratch or is there a quick way I can fix this?

  4. GaulHahn

    GaulHahn New Member

    Actually I think I have resolved it.

    Reran mysql -h localhost -u root -p'pas(()word' ispconfigdb < db_ispconfig.sql

    Used '' around the password.

    Had to extract ispconfig again though after reslising the installer obvioulsy cleans it up.

    If i need to do anything else that may have been broken by this please let me know.


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