Disable Help Section

Discussion in 'General' started by dayjahone, Jun 18, 2007.

  1. dayjahone

    dayjahone Member

    Is there a way to disable the help section for clients who log in?

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    if you replace remove "help" in the string "isp_kunde,isp_file,tools,help" in the modules column of the user in the database table sys_user of the ispconfig database, the help module is not diesplayed anymore.
  3. dayjahone

    dayjahone Member

    I found the file /var/lib/mysql/ispconfigdb/sys_user.MYD that has that line in it, but I'm not sure I'm editing it correctly. If I delete "help," I can't log on at all.
    Last edited: Jun 18, 2007
  4. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Dtabase files are never edited manually with a editor! This are not text files. Please restore a backup as of this file as it is now broken. Use e.g. phpmyadmin or the mysql command to edit data in the database.
  5. dayjahone

    dayjahone Member

    Worked perfectly. Thanks.
  6. m u r

    m u r Member

    Sorry, but how do I do it with phpMyAdmin?

    I select the ispconfig database from the menu, click on "sys_user"...then what?
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Browse the records in that table and edit the modules column. Remove the string "help" from there.
  8. dayjahone

    dayjahone Member

    I see a list of users. Is there a way to make it so, as new users are created, I don't have to go in and delete help from the modules column?
  9. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You will have to modify the code in /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/lib/classes/ispconfig_isp_kunde.lib.php
  10. dayjahone

    dayjahone Member

    Is it a simple modification?
  11. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    Yes - in line 96 change
    $sql = "INSERT INTO sys_user (userid, username, passwort,gueltig,perms,modules,modul) VALUES ('$userid', '$username', '$passwort','1','rw','isp_kunde,isp_file,tools,help','isp_kunde')";
    $sql = "INSERT INTO sys_user (userid, username, passwort,gueltig,perms,modules,modul) VALUES ('$userid', '$username', '$passwort','1','rw','isp_kunde,isp_file,tools','isp_kunde')";
    and in line 288 change
    $sql = "INSERT INTO sys_user (doc_id, userid, username, passwort,gueltig,perms,modules,modul) VALUES ('".$sys_user_id."','$userid', '$username', '','1','rw','isp_kunde,isp_file,tools,help','isp_kunde')";
    $sql = "INSERT INTO sys_user (doc_id, userid, username, passwort,gueltig,perms,modules,modul) VALUES ('".$sys_user_id."','$userid', '$username', '','1','rw','isp_kunde,isp_file,tools','isp_kunde')";

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