Have: - kernel-2.6.25-14 - Apache-2.2.9 - PHP-5.2.6 - MySQL-5.0.45 - ISPconfig-2.2.25 Installation starts well, all system checks are passed normaly, compile is starting normaly and in one moment is stoped. Reason: The PHP binary coming with ISPConfig does not work properly on your system! The installation routine stops here! What should I do for this not have been repeated??? I've tried for 4 times and every time he get me this error.
Please make sure that you configured your server exactly as described here: http://www.howtoforge.com/fedora-8-server-lamp-email-dns-ftp-ispconfig
Please post the first error message that you got on the screen. The error message "The PHP binary coming with ISPConfig does not work properly on your system! The installation routine stops here!" is the last one and just means that something had gone wrong, it is not specific for any error.
This may/may not be correct but i have the same error, and if you look so many lines up from where you started pasteing does it say something about either extutils or makemaker not been found? After following the guide for fedora 8, i was missing one package which caused the install to bomb out in a way that looks the same as yours. simple command yum -y install perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker fixed my issue. Mark