Virtual Hosting: How do I set this up?

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by VinceDee, Feb 7, 2006.

  1. VinceDee

    VinceDee New Member

    I'm having trouble understanding this whole virtual hosting process (I know, I know, I'm not the first and I appreciate you guys being so helpful and patient with us newbs). I just want to do straight up webhosting for just a couple of sites.

    I've already set up my server using ubuntu 5.10 breezy following the HowTo instructions and ISPConfig. Everything appears to be running properly (although I don't know how to test the email system, I was able to log into the ftp and can get a "shared ip" webpage by URLing 192.168.x.x), and ISPConfig is available to my internal network computers and it's accessible from a browser on the internet using https.

    Now, I've set up two websites using ISPConfig. Even though I only have one IP address, I understand that they can both be accessible to the Internet using their domain names using virtual hosting. The settings I have are this:

    My domain name provider settings:
    currently and are set to forward to my ip address

    http://24.7.x.x. (I've read your previous postings that I should turn the
    forwarding off, but until I get this Linux box set up properly I need to have the domains available for the live site I already have running on my Windows XP box at this address)

    godaddy nameservers for both domain names are still set to their default nameservers:


    they also have a DNS control panel that allows me to change the A host, CNAMES, and MX servers (but I don't change any of that stuff to do what I'm trying to do, right?)

    For my router:

    I have the http, smtp, ftp, etc forwarding set to point to my 192.168.x.x linux box. The router is set to automatically get it's DNS addresses from my ISP.

    For ISPConfig:

    Server is named "ubuntu" (hostname, right? the domain is, so this computer would be located on my internal network at, right?)

    I set up the two websites, each using these settings under ISP Manager:

    Hostname: www
    IP Address: 192.168.x.x
    Create DNS: Checked
    Create DNS-MX: Checked

    Under DNS Manager:

    Domain Tab:
    Server: Server 1
    Domain (SOA):
    IP Address: should this be 192.168.x.x or my external ip 24.7.x.x? From the previous posts I've seen, it sounds as if it should be 24.7.x.x.

    Options Tab:
    Admin Email: [email protected]
    Nameserver 1:
    Nameserver 2:

    Records Tab:
    A Record: IP Address 192.168.x.x, Hostname www
    CNAME: nothing entered here
    MX: Mailserver, Hostname www
    SPF: Hostname

    Which of these settings do I need to change in order for the domain name-based hosting to work? I feel like I'm really close to success here because I can occasionally get the ISPConfig webpages to come up when I'm just messing around with the settings, but I obviously need help here.

  2. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    If I understand you right, the DNS records for are managed by godaddy. So there's no point in creating the DNS records for this domain again on the ISPConfig server. Remove them.

    Do the DNS records for at godaddy point to your router's public IP address? If so, did you forward port 80 from your router to your ISPconfig box?
  3. VinceDee

    VinceDee New Member

    They are managed by godaddy so I'll remove any reference to DNS records under the ISPConfig DNS Manager for these two sites.

    By "the DNS records for at godaddy" are you referring to the "A records"? It currently does not point to my public IP address for one of the sites, it points to what I presume is their own nameserver ( I can easily make it do so. The other site does have it pointing toward my public address. And forwarding port 80 to the ISPConfig box is no problem.

    So basically you're saying that if I have a company managing my domains (like godaddy) that I should just:

    1. Change their A record to point to my public IP address.
    2. Make sure my router is pointing port 80 toward my ISPConfig box
    3. Don't create DNS records for my sites in ISPConfig
    4. Don't do "domain forwarding" from godaddy for my domains

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff


  5. VinceDee

    VinceDee New Member

    falko, I just wanted to report back that last night I finally got everything squared away and working...thanks for the help. Settings have to be just as you said.

    The only other thing was that I apparently didn't have Bind running on the Linux/ISPConfig box. My domains weren't accessible until I turned Bind on. That was the only other thing I did that, it appears, made things work.

    Again, thanks. I'm good now.
  6. yurtboy

    yurtboy New Member

    Can you give me a hint on how to change the A record on Godaddy seems like I am in the same spot?
  7. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    GoDaddy has a web interface where you can manage DNS records.
  8. yurtboy

    yurtboy New Member

    I know ( -:

    Just it was not clear how to get there.
    You need to first park your domains, wait and then you can enter the more advance area of the domain
    By the way, I used you ISPCONFIG and Godaddy and got somewhere. Not totally there but almost ( -:

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