RAM for ISPConfig

Discussion in 'General' started by mdk, Oct 6, 2008.

  1. mdk

    mdk New Member

    I have ISPConfig working perfectly on my home server, renting space datacenter and migrate ISPConfig, how much memory ram contract in the datacenter for ISPConfig? I have ISPConfig currently running on a Dual Core with 2Gb of ram >> I have 5 domains with drupal and twenty-mail accounts.

    without a contract with 1 Gb is that enough?

    thanks in advance
  2. Ben

    Ben Active Member Moderator

    In my eyes this depends more on drupal. Or let's say it like this, some mailboxes + ispconfig for configuration issues won't take so much memory, as applications using a databse may take.

    In my eyes 1GB should be enough here anyway, eventhough I'd persoanlly prefer 2GB, shouldn't be much more expensive than 1GB?
  3. mdk

    mdk New Member

    Linode.com was looking into the option with 1 Gb interesting is the linode 1080, the maximum this option you can add more is 360 Mb, the remaining options are expensive. Maybe look for another datacenter, but linode interests me enough already that you can use different distributions of GNU / Linux, since it uses Debian or Slackware.

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