Virtual Users And Domains With Postfix, Courier, MySQL And SquirrelMail -Ubuntu 8.04

Discussion in 'Server Operation' started by zuluh, Oct 14, 2008.

  1. zuluh

    zuluh New Member

    Hi all.
    I have 2 questions:
    Has anyone tried this guide ( squirrelmail-ubuntu8.04)? I follow it step by step but it didnt work for me, it seems that user mail directories were created in /home/vmail/ even if i use mailx as shown in this guide.

    The other question is if it's possible to replace Squirrelmail with roundcube and if anyone can give me any infos how to do it.

    Thx in advanced.
    Cya all
  2. Wildheart

    Wildheart New Member

    I haven't tried this particular howto but I am running the exact system you want using webmin and virtualmin and it was a breeze to setup.
  3. zuluh

    zuluh New Member

    Esiste una guida seguita da te?

    A me piacerebbe impostare un mail server con Postfix+Mysql Quota per creare virtual users and domains, Courier e Roundcube ma non so da che parte partire. La guida citata nel mio primo post, l'ho provata e non funziona. Inoltre, cercando nel forum, ho visto che molti altri utenti hanno proprio problemi perchè ci potrebbero essere degli errori.

    Resto in attesa,
  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    There's nothing wrong with that.

    Haven't tried Roundcube so I can't help here.
  5. zuluh

    zuluh New Member

    Oh sorry, i answered in italian. I'll translate it asap. When i answered i was on two forums at the same time and i made confusion with the language. I'm sorry to all

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