left frame (Tools) broken after update

Discussion in 'Installation/Configuration' started by Tommie, Feb 9, 2006.

  1. Tommie

    Tommie New Member


    I installed ISPConfig(-2.1.2xml.tar.gz), logged in, and test a little bit, everythings seems to be ok. libxml2-devel libraries are installed on the system.

    Then I installed a package (ispconfig_remoting_extension.pkg - per update) and there was a reponse, that all is ok. But after that update, the left frame under Tools was broken. Only a black window, with no menu in.

    looked at my logs, find this:
    tail ~/ispconfig/httpd/logs/access_log
    ... "GET /tools/%5C%22%22 HTTP/1.1" 404 291

    All other menus are ok, with pictures and tree.

    any ideas for reparing this ?

    more infos: my system is a debian-sarge (out of the box), ISPConfig on https://...:81

    Thanx Tommie
  2. Tommie

    Tommie New Member

    solved the "problem" with menu of "Tools"


    nav.inc.php was encoded and brokes the menu of tools :-/
    We just wrote a new file of "nav.inc.php" and now it shows the fault:

    <<The encoded file /home/admispconfig/ispconfig/web/tools/tools/remote/userlist.php has expired.<<

    Dont know, if everybody, who has installed this extension, just have a broken menu now.

    We are no deleted the extension and the menu 'Tools' ist now ok.

    Would be really better, to stop the dowload of the package from the website!

  3. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    The beta 2 of the package will be released next week and you can see in the description that the current beta phase already ended.
  4. Tommie

    Tommie New Member

    As an enduser I only see this only on the website, not during installing, or when I try to use it. Often, I download the stuff in my company and try these in my free time at home. But you're right.

    I think, that a misfunction of one module shouldnt "kill" the whole part of menu(s).

  5. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    You are right and thats why we dont test these functions in the official stable branch. You will not encounter problems like that in our release versions. ISPConfig-2.1.2xml.tar.gz is only a beta where we tried some new technologies.

    I will remove the download until we released the beta 2.

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