ISPConfig 3: IPv6, DNSSEC

Discussion in 'General' started by tobru, Oct 31, 2008.

  1. tobru

    tobru New Member


    Is it planned that IPv6 and DNSSEC will be supported with ISPConfig3?
    What was the decision to use MyDNS as DNS server? I think there are other good (probably better?) DNS servers that support MySQL as Data Backend, f.e. PowerDNS...

    Best Regards,
  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    IPv6 and DNSSEC will be built in in later versions. MyDNS is used as I have a good experince with this software for several years. Other dns servers might be supported too in later versions.
  3. tobru

    tobru New Member

    Hi till,

    thanks for the answer.
    does mydns support dnssec?
    i think, ipv6 and dnssec are very important in the future.

    best regards,
  4. pssara

    pssara New Member

    This is off course a late reply, but I want to add how important it is to have IPv6 and DNSSEC support build in the next releases.

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