Best distro for ISPConfig?

Discussion in 'General' started by Been Told, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Hi everyone. :)
    Yes, I know, the usual answer as to what Linux distribution is best for a server is: Which ever one you're most comfortable with.
    But my case is special. :) I am still pretty much new to Linux. I've played around with Fedora 9 and openSUSE 11 as desktop OSs on my VMWare Workstation; Also I've installed those and a few other OSs on a server, just to have done it and to get to grips with the process. I've also managed to install ISPconfig correctly twice (at least I think so LOL).

    So I'm still pretty much a tabula rasa as far as Linux goes. In that line of thought, I decided that it may be a good idea not to get comfortable with just any Linux OS, but the one that is best for my situation.

    So, what do you guys (and girls) say? Which Linux is the best for hosting with ISPconfig?
    I will probably not be hosting more than 10 sites/domains. To start with only 2.

    Thanks in advance for any usefull advice. :)
  2. jnsc

    jnsc rotaredoM Moderator

    I think the post people here would recommend you Debian
  3. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Oh and I should also add a list of distributions I can choose from at the moment:
    - CentOS 5.2
    - Fedora Core 8 / 9
    - openSUSE 10.3 / 11
    - Debian Etch
    - Ubuntu 7 / 8
  4. lubos

    lubos New Member

    I will agree that Debian Etch is the best (at least for me), however if you cant get Debian (strange but some VPS providers do not offer it) go for Ubuntu 8.4 (long term support - 3 years) or for CentOS5 (in that order)
  5. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Yeah, it's weird how my server provider doesn't offer VNC installation of Debian. Only installimage.
    Obviously this is not the first time I hear about Debian being the best, so I've wondering about why not "all" providers offer that along with openSUSE and Fedora and CentOS, etc.

    What makes CentOS second to Ubuntu in your opinion?
  6. lubos

    lubos New Member

    Ubuntu is based on Debian :D
  7. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Oh right I forgot about that... [​IMG]
  8. vogelor

    vogelor New Member

    if sounds like you host at hetzner...

    i installed debian with installimage many times at such a server - no problem and no need to install it with vnc because there is NO interaction at the installation process...
  9. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Your guess is completely correct. :)
  10. bernholdt

    bernholdt Member

    I would recomend Debian
    I started as you a total Linux Noobie and tried many different distros, and ended up with Debian Etch its wery straight forward to work with and update with the apt-get function. Another reason i chose Debian is that many guides here on HowtoForge is made on Debian.

    Let me finish off with thankin all the great minds here at Howtoforge, for taking their time to answer all my stupid questions.
  11. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Yeah I sort of noticed that a bit as well. And like you, I am totally amazed at the amount of (noob-friendly) information here at Howtoforge. SO many things were explained to me here in the Howtos and forum posts in such a short amount of time... I would have never believed it possible.
    I second that. Awesome people here! :)
  12. lubos

    lubos New Member

    Yah there is no other forum where I felt so welcome and no one ever branded me as a stupid over here even when I knew nothing about Linux and ISPConfig. (It happened to me elsewhere :mad:).

    :) You can show your appreciation by subscription. Its just €5 per month and it is really worth it. You will not get less support if you do not but you will feel much more better when you do ;). Do me a favour; just click on right top side on Subscription and read about that. The rest is up to you...

    PS: I am not connected with howtoforge in any ways, you can ask Till or Falco. :D
  13. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    You know I already wanted to do that, but since you can only do that subscription with Paypal if you have a creditcard, it won't let me do it. I don't have a credit card.

    As far as I can see it's a Paypal problem though, not caused by HowToForge. Appearently you can make subscription payments only if you have a credit card in your account. :(
  14. lubos

    lubos New Member

    If I am not mistaken with PayPal it can be debit card as well, or you can have direct debits set from your bank account. At least I do not have Credit Card as well, I have the two above mentioned payment options. Dont know which of them two allowed me to go for it. :D
  15. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Yeah I have a bank account number included in paypal and I can always make payments with it. Only not subscription payments. :(
  16. lubos

    lubos New Member

    thanks for info, I'll PM Falco and ask them to solve it by adding simple donate button for all who can't set subscriptions
  17. Meads

    Meads New Member

    I would go with CentOS 5.2, i too started out with debian and now all the servers i rent are running CentOS. the Yum package manager is great and just as simple to use as apt in Debian.
  18. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    Thanks, that'd be awesome. :D :D :D
    Yeah Fedora has that too. I remember actually liking Fedora. Only what really pissed me off was that I couldn't find any information as to how to add a software repository to yum. *lol*
  19. Been Told

    Been Told Member

    I solved the Paypal problem. I just transfered some money into my Paypal account (usually I pay by paypal and paypal withdraws the money from my bank account) and then I could subscribe with no hassle. I am now a proud supporter of HowtoForge! :D
  20. lubos

    lubos New Member

    Ben, that is perfect, I am proud of you :D
    You can set such nice stars as I have in your profile. :cool:

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