eBox port setting problem. [SOLVED] Hi. I just installed eBox (as per your howto) and all the install went smooth and easy. (Tnx by the way). One thing I noticed was the server performance was very very slow, and I was thinking all the time this was probbilly due to a comment I read in page Nr. 2 of the same HowTo, which suggests to change to port 444 instead of default's 443. So I followed this suggestion and now I can't open oBox on my browser. This change was made under System>General. So my question is: where can I manually change this set to revert it to the old 443 value. Thanks in advance. Luis. PS. What are the hardware optimal specs for this kind of server? (Processor speed, RAM, HD, etc.
Solved. Sorry about this question... With my experience I forgot to always add the port number to the address bar: eg. https://serverIP:444 Again, sorry and Kind Regards Luis