Can anyone help me Non of my users are able to access ftp using their usernames and passwords eg. host: port 21 user: web24_admin pw: xxxxxxx we get a login invalid message user is listed in etc/passwd as: web24_admin:x:10124:10024::/var/www/web24:/bin/bash Thanks John
Please comment out the include line at the end of the proftpd.conf file, the one that oncludes the proftpd_ispconfig.conf and restart proftpd.
Have done as requested, still unable to login When trying to login to we-ftp I now get a 'could not connect to loaclhost' Any help will be apprecaited thank-you John
Just for reference Since changing the conf file ispconfig is showing the ftp as 'offline' Thanks John
Hi Falko I created the suggested ftp file and that seems to have fixed the problem of logging in via filezilla. I am still however unable to use the web-ftp on ispconfig Any ideas? Thanks once again John
All I get is 'could not connect as user web1_user' I have however since my last post been able to login with one user. I have 10 sites and am unable to access any of the web-ftp except one When I checked the passwd file in etc/passwd the user that is able to login in has bin/bash at the end of his line all the other users have bin/false? could this have something to do with the problem. Any help will be appreciated Thank-you John
Hi Falko /etc/shells /bin/sh /bin/bash /sbin/nologin /bin/tcsh /bin/csh /bin/false /SENDMAIL/ANY/SHELL/ /etc/passwd web9_john:x:10123:10009:John:/var/www/web9:/bin/false Thanks John
And when you change /bin/false to /bin/bash for web9_john in /etc/passwd, that user can log in using FTP?