web_mysql missing!

Discussion in 'General' started by matteo12345, Nov 4, 2008.

  1. matteo12345

    matteo12345 New Member


    I have the following problem: (maybe) after an update of ISPConfig from v.2.2.23 to v2.2.25, we "lost" the MySQL checkbox in the "New site > ISP site" editing form (note: we didn't touch any settings in "Form designer > Edit form").
    This causes the "web_mysql" field in the "isp_isp_web" table to be always '0', which in turn causes - after saving the modifications in the form - any existing database related to the "webX_.." user to be dropped!!! We tried to look into the source code, but it's very modular, and we don't even know german.
    Please note that we are using an external MySQL server.

    Please help, our webapps are in danger!

  2. till

    till Super Moderator Staff Member ISPConfig Developer

    Your ISPConfig version uses a outdated database. You can not run ISPConfig 2.2.25 with a databse from ISPConfig 2.2.23. Please run the ispconfig update again and make sure that the mysql user ispconfig uses to connect to the database has root permissions so that the updater can update the database too.
  3. matteo12345

    matteo12345 New Member

    Still facing the problem


    we checked the database access, but it is actually done as root.
    I repeat: we're using a remote mysql; is it possible that during the update the installer keeps looking for a local mysql, and thus does not apply any modifications to the database? We've also specified "expert install" during the update.

    Please do let us know something, for the moment we have just reverted to the previous version (2.2.23). And ISPConfig is a little too big for us to be debugged...

  4. falko

    falko Super Moderator Howtoforge Staff

    No, it works for remote databases as well.

    Are there any warnings/errors in the installation log in /var/log?

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