When I assign a co-domain with ISPconfig pointing to a subdirectory of my web, e.g.: forum.mydomain.tld -> /forum/phpbb2/ the resulting URL shown in the browser is http://www.mydomain.tld/forum/phpBB2/index.php... How can I teach ISPconfig(Apache) the easy way that the browser shows: http://forum.mydomain.tld/index.php... to the visitors?
Create a new website forum.mydomain.tld and install the forum software in this website instaed of using a co-domain.
rofl This solution was TOO easy for me I never thought, that it is possible to use already assigned domains for new webs. This completely changes my way of using "subdomains". Thx, I'll try that tomorrow But wait - when I create www.mydomain.tld then mydomain.tld is automatically assigned to the same webroot. What will happen, if I now create a new web forum.mydomain.tld? No problem with (no new assingment of) mydomain.tld then?
Just delete the co-domain mydomain.tld of the second and all following webs. This is a small bug that ISPConfig does not check correctly if mydomain.tld already exists. We have fixed that already in SVN.
Would it then also be possible (because then no new installatin necessary), 1. rename Web 1 www.mydomain.tld to forum.mydomain.tld 2. create Web 2 www.mydomain.tld and 3. delete mydomain.tld in Web 1 (forum.mydomain.tld)?