Perfect SpamSnake - Emails Stuck in MailScanner Incomming queue

Discussion in 'HOWTO-Related Questions' started by teixeira, Dec 4, 2008.

  1. teixeira

    teixeira New Member

    Hi HTF Forum,

    Today i noticed something weird, hundreds of emails remain in the Mailscanner Incomming queue. This is the 1st time that this happens to me since 3 weeks i've spamsnake running perfectly.

    I noticed also two aspects, mails atuck in queue but after 3-4h queues gets more empty, but not fully empty.
    And i noticed that when clamav open the attachments for scanning the cpu goes some seconds to 100%.

    Here's a extract of the current mail.log
    Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.

  2. Rocky

    Rocky Member


    If you're not running the latest version of Clamav, please upgrade it and see if that solves your problems.

  3. teixeira

    teixeira New Member

    i tried to update clamav but i didn't succeed. i read the wiki and faq in the clamav offical website and it stills in the 0.92 version...

    Do u have an idea how to do it? how did you perform your clamav update?


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